Owen Hunt x Reader

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A/N: Set during season 14, there's no Amelia in this story.

Y/n's POV

Staring at the pregnancy test in front of me I can't believe my eyes when the screen says positive. Quickly shoving it in my pocket when I here someone enter the attending lounge I wash my hands before turning to see who's behind me and see Addison and Meredith watching me with raised eyebrows. Relaxing upon seeing them I silently pull the test out of my pocket and show them.

"That's amazing y/n!" Addison says and I nod without saying anything. "Shouldn't you be celebrating?"

"How can I be excited about this when he chose Teddy? When he left me for the woman he cheated on me with and got pregnant?" I ask her as I lean against the sink. "He's so happy with her, he's getting to have a family with the woman he loves. So, please Addison. Tell me why I should be celebrating this." I snap at her before shoving the test in the bin and leaving. Walking outside I sit down on one of the benches and rest my head in my hands as tears silently roll down my cheeks.

"Everything okay y/n?" Teddy asks as she sits next to me and I shake my head before silently standing up and walking away. "I'm sorry okay! I knew that you and Owen were together and I still slept with him but you can't keep giving us the cold shoulder! Not when we work together!" She shouts after me and I spin around to look at her with a glare.

"Don't you dare act like the injured party because I don't want anything to do with a backstabbing bitch! You have no idea what I'm going through! You don't get to apologise and think everything goes back to normal!" I tell her angrily. "I trusted you, both of you and you both fucked me over. Literally! And now! I can't even tell the man that I love, my husband, I'm pregnant because he chose you! You and your baby Teddy! The love of my life, chose you!" I add before turning around to go back into the hospital only to find Owen standing there shocked.

"Y/n-" He starts but I shake my head at him as I wipe away my tears.

"Take this as my official resignation Dr Hunt. I'll work my two week period as is stated in my contract but then I'm gone." I tell him quietly before brushing past him and walking back into the hospital. Seeking out Addison I find her still in the attendings lounge and sit next to her making her look up at me suprised and I flinch when I see the tear tracks on her cheeks. "I'm sorry for being a bitch Addie, I didn't mean to snap at you."

"It's fine, I should have thought about what I said before I let it slip out." She says quietly and I shake my head as I pull her into a hug.

"No, it's really not Addie." I tell her quietly. "I just lost it on Teddy and accidentally told Owen I'm pregnant before giving him my verbal resignation. I can't be here, I can't see the people I trusted more than anything everyday. Not now, it was hard enough before but now I need to put my baby's health first." I admit as we pull apart and I don't bother trying to stop my tears as they fall and she pulls me into a tight hug.

"What will you do now?" She asks me and I shrug.

"I've told him that I'll work my two week notice as is stated in my contract but then I don't know. I don't necessarily need to work Addie but I don't want to sit around doing nothing." I tell her as I stroke my stomach. "All I know right now is that I need to get myself booked in for an ultrasound to make sure everythings okay with this little one."

"Follow me and we can do that now y/n." She tells me as she pulls me up and drags me put of the room. "Who will you choose as your OB/GYN?" She asks and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Well, I can only think of one person that I trust enough to do the job Addie." I tell her with a grin. "Especially seeing as she'll be this little ones godmother." I add making her stop and look at me with wide eyes.

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