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Prologue --

I liked playing a game. In my head. Alone.

It's called: Never About Me.

My own little rendition on "All About Me."

People have secrets.

Some people whisper then in their friends ears. Others keep their secrets locked up deep inside.

The game is to list secrets that you would never tell anyone. Thus the name, "Never About Me," was created.

I started with simple facts, playing All About Me, first.

I kept a tab in my head.

-My name is Marie Summers.

-I have long brown hair and hazel eyes.

-I'm tall, skinny, and have somewhat small biceps.

-I'm an only child.

-Both my parents are dead.

Then I sighed, beginning to play Never About Me.

-My parents were killed during an assignment, not in a car crash like I'm told to tell everyone.

-I may seem sweet on the outside, but I am no angel on the inside.

-I've done some really bad things in life.

-I used to be a spy. I guess you could call me an ex-spy now.

I sighed again, realizing that I always list the same facts every time I play the game.


All I could think about was the caramel frappachino that was waiting for me, on the other side of that Starbucks door.

That's weird, I thought to myself. Starbucks was A LOT more crowded than a usual Tuesday morning.

This line better not be long, I cursed, as I pushed through the doors.



Hey guys!

As you might've noticed, I was writing a fanfic called "Dependable," but I stopped writing it so I could write this one.

So please comment and vote.

Thanks for reading! :)

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