|1|New tour guide

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Lumine and Aether had just moved in to their new house and slowly began to build new lives for themselves. Aether had seen this as an opportunity to meet new people, make friends, explore and much more. On the other hand, his sister hadn't seen it the same way he had, she wanted nothing to do with people and preferred minimal interaction. Ever since they were kids, her brother was the one dragging her along to do activities and socialize but even still, Lumine found a way to escape and avoid this while growing up. Both siblings now 14 and starting their freshmen year in high school with high hopes of success, they hated the idea of leaving home to live in dorms for a few years. They had lived with their mother after their father's arrest for years, it was a struggle living but they managed. The thought of leaving the parent that cared for them their entire lives shattered the both of them but shortly after they saw it as an opportunity to get better jobs and support their mother even more.

What Aether is wearing

What Lumine is wearing

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What Lumine is wearing

What Lumine is wearing

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Lumine is also always wearing the hood on her head

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Lumine is also always wearing the hood on her head.

**Lumine's POV**

" Lumine, come on! going to be late if you don't hurry up. " My brother shouted to me as he slowed down for me to catch up.

" Go ahead without me if you're so focused on not being late the first day, you know I don't care as much as you do. "  I blurted out before Aether grabbed my hand tightly and started pulling me along with him. 

"Being late with have no benefits to either of us. " He said with a serious face, continuing to drag me along with him. I eventually gave up and started walking faster since he had somewhat of a point. 

After a few minutes of walking we arrived at this massive, amazing building. It put both me and my idiot brother in shock, the design on the exterior was a white, gold and beige wave design with the giant logo of the school printed on it. Sadly, we didn't have much time to admire the beauty of the school before we were supposed to be at the front desk. My brother would kill me if we ended up late on our first day. There was still one problem, we had no clue where the front desk was and the school was massive. I was admiring the beauty of the school before my brother rudely pulled me along to this white-ish blue-ish haired girl that looked around our age. 

" Hello, me and my sister are new here and we were wondering if you could show us the way to the front desk. " My brother said without hesitation after approaching a really hot girl.. I always knew he was gay either way so it wouldn't bother him.

" You must be the twins I was informed about. My name is Ayaka, pleased to meet you! I was told to be your tour guide. "

" Ayaka.. what a nice name. I'm Aether and this is my twin sister Lumine. Great to meet you! " 

" If you could follow me I'll guide you to the front desk then show you around the school. "

She's really pretty.. I would love to get to know her but she probably sees me as a werido so far. I haven't even said a single word so far and they're having a whole conversation. I envy how friendly and talkative my brother can be, the only people I really don't have trouble talking to is him and mom. I really am pathetic. 

" LUMINE! " Aether shouted

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and returned to reality. 

" Sorry.. " I said barely louder than a whisper before feeling someone grab my hand and pull me along. I could tell it wasn't my brother since he would've broken my wrist by now. I tilted my head upwards only to see our new tour guide, Ayaka pulling me along. I felt my face heat up in an instant. Was this love at first sight?.. Before I knew it we were already at the front desk, sitting there waiting for us was a green haired woman with glasses. I felt the white haired girl let go of my wrist, took her long enough.

" Miss Sucrose, these are the two new students. " Ayaka said calmly 

" Give me a moment and I'll sort everything out " The green haired woman spoke in a nervous tone.

Miss Sucrose handed both me and my idiot brother a pair of keys, I assume the were for the dorms since they had numbers on them. Once again, I felt someone grab my arm, this time it was Aether dragging me along. I would prefer to have walked around myself but I didn't mind spending more time with Ayaka. 

After a while the tour was over and I felt sad since I might never see Ayaka again.

" Classes will start tomorrow and the keys miss Sucrose gave you should be for your dorms "

I loved her voice so much.. it was so calming and put me at ease. I felt safe around her.

" Thank you so much, Ayaka! " The blonde male said

I felt a force smack me on the back aggressively. 

" Lumine, you should thank her too. " Aether said in a serious tone while glaring at me.

" T-Thank you.. " I mumbled.

**Ayaka's POV**

I felt my face heat up at the sound of her voice before I blurted out a few words

" It's no problem, I was assigned to do this either way and didn't have much of a choice.. "

I quickly walked off towards my dorm.

Maybe I came off too awkward and messed everything thing up.. I hope not, they seem like really nice people. I wonder who Lumine will be sharing a dorm with. I do hope it is me, I'd love to see her take the hoodie off to get a better glimpse of her. 

1075 words ( not including this )

I hope you enjoyed the story my lovely viewers. Make sure you drink some water, eat, sleep and take breaks every while<3 

Enjoy your day/afternoon/night!

I love you all!<3

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