|5|A Strange Morning

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The next day had arrived, it was Saturday. People took this break as an advantage to go out with friends, shop and do all sorts of things. Yoimiya had spent the night with her father but Ayaka and Lumine stayed in the dorm and slept cuddling each other.

**Yoimiya's POV**

I slowly opened the door to the dorm while trying my best to stay silent. I had picked the worst time to come back since the two are most likely still asleep, it was early in the morning. I continued walking down to the bedroom, maybe they weren't sleeping. I slowly opened the door to see the two laying together, holding on an other. I felt.. sad. Why do I feel like this? I don't care if they slept together, maybe one of them was cold and the blankets weren't enough. It still bothered me, a lot actually. I should just let them sleep, I cook breakfast to get my mind off of this. I left the bedroom and ran to the kitchen then began to make food for the three of us. The thought of them being together pained me still, I shouldn't bother with this.

**Lumine's POV**

I woke up to the sound of someone cooking, was it Yoimiya? I was still in Ayaka's arms, I could barely even move. I want to let her sleep but she's so peaceful like this, and cute. She'll wake up eventually.


A few minutes later, Ayaka had finally woken up and Lumine was able to get up.

I quickly got up the minute she let go of me, I was sleeping in one position for so long. When I stretched multiple of my bones cracked, it felt nice.

"Sorry about that" Ayaka said with a smile on her face.

I wasn't the best person to talk to, I could barely even start a conversation. Hell, I can't even keep one going, I didn't know how to reply without being awkward.

"It was nice.." I blurt out before realizing what I had said.

My face turned bright red, that was possibly the worst thing I could've possibly said, I really messed up. She's probably going to think I'm weird now.

"I enjoyed it as well, most likely the best sleep I've had in a while" Ayaka said while giggling.

Was she kidding? I swear I could feel my face heat up even more, I was probably a tomato. Ayaka just sat there and kept giggling. Thankfully, Yoimiya had burst through the door.

"You guys are finally awake, took you long enough. I made breakfast for us, come eat before it gets cold." Yoimiya said happily, though, she didn't seem as cheerful as before.

Before me and Ayaka even had the chance to say anything, Yoimiya dragged us along into the dinning room, there were three plates of the fluffiest looking pancakes. All me and Ayaka could do was stare in awe at Yoimiya's amazing cooking skills, they truly were impressive.

"Well, what are you waiting for? Eat up before they get cold!" Yoimiya blurt out before sitting down at her spot in the table.

Me and Ayaka both sat down in our places, still amazed at the pancakes. We hadn't even tried them yet and I could see Ayaka was ready to shower her with praise. I cut off a piece and took a bite, not only were the pancakes good looking but they tasted amazing!

"These are great! You never told me you could cook, Yoimiya" Ayaka said while happily munching on her pancakes.

"Aha, it's a secret recipe my dad taught me when I was younger." Yoimiya said, her face turning slightly red.

The two kept having a conversation, mainly Ayaka showering Yoimiya with praise. I hadn't eaten much but I was already full, I didn't want to make Yoimiya feel bad but I couldn't eat any more. I usually skip most meals and eat barely enough to be considered a snack each day, I will admit it was unhealthy but my body refused to let me eat. I sat in my chair staring at the pancakes, I had completely zoned out for quite a while. Time seemed to have flown by already, I probably should stop doing this in front of them.

"Lumi, you alright?" Ayaka said in a worried tone.

I nodded.

"Just tired.. I might just go for a walk.." I mumbled.

"It's raining at the moment, I don't think that would be the best idea." Ayaka said while Yoimiya nodded in agreement to her statement.

"I'll be fine." I mumbled out once more.

I got up and changed before putting on my shoes and walking around. After a few minutes I finally left the school property, it was pouring rain outside and I hadn't brought an umbrella or a raincoat. Guess I'm going to be soaking wet for a while, how fun. I will admit, walks in the rain are very calming, not many people are outside at this time and I prefer it that way. But it was very cold, it didn't bother me much but I didn't bring a coat so sooner or later it'll be a pain.


After about two hours of Lumine walking around in the rain she decided to return to the dorm.

I opened to door and heard both Yoimiya and Ayaka rush over to me.

"Finally, it's been two hours and you weren't replying to texts or calls." Yoimiya said angrily.

I let out a high pitched sneeze along with a few coughs. Ayaka quickly pressed her hand against my forehead while glaring at me.

"You're burning up, I swear we should've never let you go." Ayaka said before pulling me into the bedroom, Yoimiya following behind her.

"Strip." She said.

"Please repeat." I said nervously.

"I didn't stutter, strip. Your clothes soaking and you need to be bathed." She blurt out angrily

"I can do it myself.." I mumbled, my face quickly turning a light shade of red.

"I still need you to strip, I need your clothes so I can hang them to dry."

"Can't I just pass you them later?"

"If you don't undress yourself I swear I'll undress you." She said with a dead serious face, making it clear she wasn't joking.

"Maybe you're going a bit far here-" Yoimiya said in an attempt to stop Ayaka

"We're literally all women, there's nothing to even be afraid of. I just need her clothes before she drips anywhere else." Ayaka said

"Well, I guess you do have a point" I mumbled out before undressing myself completely and handing my clothes to Ayaka.

**Yoimiya's POV**

I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm gay, I'm so gay. She has literal ABS, a six pack. I swear I'm going to faint, she's so hot. I don't want to be weird for staring but GODDAMN. I never expected her to be muscular.. she's probably really strong as well. I've fallen head over heels for this woman, I'm sorry my lord for I have sinned, have had sexual fantasies already about this woman. She's just to die for. Who would've thought under that shy interior was such a fine woman? I'm in love right now.

"Stop staring, it's creepy, this goes for both of you." Lumine mumbled.

Ayaka was staring too? Not surprised, she's probably just as shocked as I am at the moment.

"Aha, sorry.. You should go shower now." I said nervously.

Lumine quickly stormed off to the bathroom and took a bath. I will never forget that moment.

1227 words not including this

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