|6|The three of us?

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**Lumine's POV**

I finally finished having a shower and put on some clothes, but I still felt a bit weird.. The two of them were staring very intensely at me, I wasn't uncomfortable, I made the decision to hand her my clothes but it still feels off. The two were probably just as red as I was.. Maybe I'm just thinking too much, it's normal to be seen by other women while you're naked. I still feel weird about this though, I haven't visited the gym in a while and I've eaten a lot lately. Did they think I was fat? That doesn't seem like something they would judge me for though.. 

I felt a tap on my shoulder and a towel be thrown on my head. 

"You haven't even dried you hair?" Yoimiya said while giggling.

I will admit, she was adorable. I admired everything about Yoimiya and Ayaka but I knew I probably wasn't their type so it's alright to stay friends. 

Ayaka seemed to have followed behind Yoimiya, she slowly walked in to the bathroom and stood beside Yoimiya.

"How are you feeling? I ran out and grabbed medicine, it should help." Ayaka said with a worried smile as she pressed her hand against my forehead.

"You're being a bit dramatic.." I mumbled barely loud enough for her to hear.

She quickly towered above me.

"Of course I'm going to be dramatic, I'm worried about you!" Ayaka blurt out without any hesitation.

Yoimiya pulled me away from Ayaka with a dead serious look on her face. It was kinda scary to see Yoimiya be this serious..

"Just because she's sick doesn't mean you can go all protective mother mode." Yoimiya said

Before I knew it, I was caught in between the two of them arguing. When I mean in between, I literally mean I was between the two.. I felt so small compared to them, they were much taller than me and it was a bit embarrassing. I could barely even make out what either of them were saying at all.

"Well I love her so back the hell off." Yoimiya said angrily.

She loved me? Damn, come to realize it I'm really dense. She did give off signs.. Hell, she even kissed me.

"I guess we both share feelings for her then." Ayaka replied with a serious look on her face, neither of them were kidding around.

"How about she chooses then?" Yoimiya added

"So then, who will it be?" The two of them said at the same time.

They were making me chose? Why are they even fighting over me? How did anything even lead this?

"I— I don't know.. " I quickly blurt out

I really couldn't choose between the two, they were both so kind and had great personality.. I would feel so bad if I hurt one by choosing the other. 

"How about we share her then? It'll be fair that way." Ayaka said with a smile

Yoimiya nodded along to her idea. The both of them turned to look at me.

"Like a threesome?" I said with the most confused facial expression.

I genuinely was confused. How did this even happen?

The two of them nodded in reply to my question.

" I guess I wouldn't mind.. " I mumbled while fiddling my thumbs in embarrassment.

"So it's official, the three of us are dating!" Yoimiya said happily, she looked as if she was about to bounce around in excitement.

I tried to quickly walk out of the bathroom before they tried something. I felt a tug on my arm pulling me back before I landed in Ayaka's arms. My face quickly heated up.

"So, do we have consent to do anything sexual?" Ayaka said with a mischievous grin.

I quickly nodded

We're really going to do this in the bathroom of a school dorm.. Not how I expected my first time to be.

I feel it's rather inappropriate to mention what happens next..

626 words not including anything in bold

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