|4|Unexpected situations

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**Third person POV**

The two blonde's faces were both a light shade of red, one grinning mischievously, the other clueless. Yoimiya pressed her lips against Lumine's. Lumine didn't quite know how to react, she kissed her back. The firework loving blonde was shocked at her reaction and quickly licked Lumine's lips to ask for access to her mouth. Lumine happily obliged, quickly opening her mouth. Yoimiya had already taken this to her advantage, quickly slipping her tongue into Lumine's mouth and letting it explore. This scene went on for a few moments before Yoimiya pulled away, leaving a sting of saliva along with her.

**Yoimiya's POV**

Holy.. I just kissed her! I don't even know why.. I haven't even known her that long. Well, she seemed to have liked it though, she didn't even resist at all. I should apologize to her, it would've been better if I had asked to kiss her before I just did, my body moved on it's own. I really messed up, this could ruin our friendship. She might not ever want to see me again.

"I am so sorry!-" I said nervously.

Lumine let out a few giggles before replying,

"It's alright" She said in a reassuring tone.

She wasn't as nervous to talk? I guess I'm freaking out more than she is at the moment. I quickly got off of her, my body was shaking. But, I tend to feel the same way around Ayaka. I don't understand this, I can't love the both of them. This feels so wrong. I need to make up an excuse to leave..

"I'm going to go help my dad with the fireworks so I probably won't be back till later tonight. Can you tell Ayaka for me?" I quickly blurt out.

Lumine quickly nodded before I ran out the door.

**Lumine's POV**

My heart is still pounding.. I can't believe we just did that, I can't believe I even managed to get out a clear sentence. It's a shame she had to leave, I guess her fireworks obsession will never end. I find it cute that she likes them so much. Maybe one day I could see one of her famous firework shows! I should go talk to Ayaka, she hasn't really spoken very much. It's weird having Ayaka not talk, I feel like her and Yoimiya are always ranting to each other about something. I really admire their friendship, they've been together for a while. I'm still in shock that Yoimiya even did that, I thought she liked Ayaka but apparently not. They really would make a perfect couple though, I hate the fact that I got in the way of that. People would start looking at me strangely if I started dating Yoimiya and her reputation would drop since barely anyone really knows I even exist. Honestly, I don't even know why I didn't push her away.. I did really enjoy the kiss. It was my first kiss as well, I guess I struck gold. Aether would kill me if he found out that happened so it's better if I keep my mouth shut and never mention that to anyone. Wow, they are right, I really do drown in my thoughts a lot. I should go tell Ayaka that Yoimiya left before I forget.

I entered the living room to see Ayaka passed out on the couch, how cute. It's probably really uncomfortable for her here, I should move her. I'll just say Yoimiya did it if she asks any question.

I carefully picked Ayaka up bridal style and brought her into the bedroom. I lied her down in a comfortable position and tucked her in. I turned to leave but suddenly Ayaka grabbed my hand, apparently she wasn't asleep. 

"Stay.." Ayaka mumbled as she pulled me down beside her.

I didn't hate this but it wasn't expected either.. this day is really full of unexpected situations. Rather enjoyable ones but still unexpected.

Ayaka drifted off into a deep sleep, I guess she had a long day. I should probably get some rest too.

665 words not including this

How are you my lovely readers?

Make sure to get enough sleep, eat enough food and drink enough water! Remember that breaks from your electronic devices are also very important. 

I will try to update this story as soon as I have the time to.

Have a lovely day/afternoon/night!

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