Chapter Seventeen: What is Wrong With Me?

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Poppy walked up to the Duke in her pajamas. His face flushed a bit at the sight of her. It had taken her a lot of thought to come to terms with what she was about to do.

"Do you want to sleep with me."

The dukes eyes went wide. Poppy had noticed that the hard bed he was sleeping on was causing him back issues. And since he stayed up late at night it didn't make it better that his body was always exhausted. So she wanted to sleep in the same bed.

She didn't mind it sense they were already engaged. But his bright red face made her question if even bringing up the idea was a smart thing to do. 'Is... is she serious?' the Duke wondered. "Pri-princess... do you not plan on waiting until we are married?" Poppy pondered the questioned. She shrugged. "I don't think it will hurt to do it before we are married."

He wasn't sure how to respond. She was offering something he wasn't sure he wanted to refuse. But her straightforwardness made him feel unsure if he wanted to. Her calmness slightly frightened him. 'Is she experienced with this sort of thing? I've underestimated you princess.' "O-okay," he slowly nodded.

Poppy's face lit up. "Okay great!" She grabbed his arm and dragged him away from the guest bedroom he had been staying in over the past few months. They walked up the stairs and he noticed how he was able to skip stairs easily but she tirelessly climbed the stairs one at a time. The Duke chuckled at his tiny fiancé.

He picked her up earning a small shriek in his ear. "I-I can walk on my own!" He basically floated over the stairs as he quickly made his way to their bedroom.

He wasn't sure why he was so excited. He hadn't really thought of Poppy in a truly romantic way before but if he was going to do this with anyone it would definitely be her.

He kicked open the door and tossed Poppy on the bed. Poppy's eyes widened when she realized what was happening. "Wait wait wait!" Poppy shrieked when his face neared only inches from hers. "I meant sleeping in the same bed," she shyly admitted. He froze in place. "Oh," he exclaimed. She nodded, "yeah."

He rolled over and laid next to her. She didn't dare to look to the side at him and kept staring at the room. "I'm sorry," he sighed. She shook her head. "No, I'm sorry for not being more clear."

Poppy felt her heart beat ringing in her ears. The adrenaline was slowly fading and she was glad she had stopped him when she did because in that moment she had pondered even stopping him at all. 'What is wrong with me?'

Loki rehearsed the whole situation and realized how completely over exaggerated he had interpreted her wording. But he didn't even question her for why she felt the sudden urge to sleep with him. He just jumped head first. 'What is wrong with me.'

As he was laying on the bed, all of his back pain slowly faded. He had forgotten the comfort of his old bed. "Can I... still sleep here?" He asked. Poppy nodded again. Loki smiled. He stood up and walked to the other side of the bed. Poppy slowly twisted around so she was in the right position and dug herself into the covers.

Loki slid in next to her and internally cheered as his back wasn't meet with a rock hard mattress. He had slept in a room with ninety other men on the battlefield but this was a completely different feeling.

He turned around to face her and was surprised to see her fast asleep. He smirked. He watched her chest rise and fall as she lightly snored. He watched as her nose wiggled when her blond bangs touched her eyes. He delicately placed the hair behind her ear.

"Goodnight," he whispered.

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