PROLOGUE | desires

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The sound of thunder and lightening caused the prison walls to shake. The howls and screams from the prisoners made the two guards shift uncomfortably as they stood at their post. A small yellow light bled through the fog. "Who goes there!" One guard demanded.

Piercing purple eyes could be seen through the darkness. The knights froze in terror as the shadowy figure strode closer and closer. The purple eyes seemed to register the two soldiers as insignificant beings. Like they were staring into the eyes of a god. The hooded figure came into view and they were greeted by their smiling captain holding a small lantern.

"Josh, Chris! It's been a while!" Gregory's normal upbeat personality made all their fears disappear. "Ca-captain! Indeed, it has been a while. What brings you here at this time of night?" Josh was the first to greet their senior. Gregory presented a large white scroll with golden handles. The golden seal on the parchment was immediately recognized as the royal family seal.

"I have orders from King Lullaby to properly investigate the prisoner. He is a terrorist so all information I learn could in danger our national security. I will be taking him to a private cell house." Everything their captain said made sense so they didn't even think to read the scroll. "Please," they unlocked the prison door. "His singing has been causing the prisoners to act crazy. The faster you take him off our hands the better." Greg nodded, "will do." They handed Gregory the ring of keys and waved him goodbye as he entered the dark and musty prison.

Gregory spun the keys around his finger as he whistled his way down the spiraling staircase. Just by his presence the prisoners all clamped their mouths shut.

At the foot of the staircase was where the magic proof cells were. Once he reached the bottom, eyes of the magical criminals all seemed to be staring into his very soul. "Calm yourselves or I might get antsy," he smirked as his fingers grazed over his sword. All of the eyes darted away except for a certain ruby pair at the end of the hall. Gregory's gaze matched the boy's intensity. "So ferocious, and at such a young age," Greg snickered as he neared the boy's cell.

"You aren't here to take me to another cell, now are you," the boy sneered. Gregory raised an eyebrow, "you could hear all that from this far underground?" Aries shook his head, his glowing eyes flickered, "no. I can see it." He peered into the memories of the captain before him. A sinister laugh erupted from the depth's of the siren's soul.

"Oh! You poor man! I've never seen such a tainted spirit before. Well other than myself." Gregory's smile fell. He kicked the cell wall causing the metal to dent. "Stop joking. If you know why I'm here then just come with me quietly." Aries shook the metal cuffs on his hands that chained him to the wall. "Fine, my lips are sealed," he clamped his lips together into a thin line.

Gregory opened the cell door and walked into the slightly colder cell room. A slight shiver ran up his spin. He started by unhooking the chains from the wall.

"Your family was killed during the battle against the demons, I see... Your mother even died right in front of you. How tragic," the boy spoke into knight's mind.

Gregory ignored the red head and continued to unhook the chains. "I know how you sirens work but I won't fall for it."

Aries snickered, "why? Because you gave up on revenge? Because you already know that your family's death wasn't an accident? You even know who did it! Oh goodness me! And it was your-!"

"SHUT IT!" Gregory seethed. He didn't like having his memories exposed and read aloud so openly. He thought he had buried those feelings long ago but now they were resurfacing, fresh and new like it were the first time.

"We are more alike than it seems Gregory Light. You and I. Victims of the greed and selfishness of humans! What pitiful a pair we are."

"I just need you to do one thing for me and then I'm killing you with my own two hands," Gregory explained. Aries rolled his eyes, "and what makes you think I'll do it without something in return? I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine?"

"That's some confidence coming from a prisoner in chains," Gregory hissed. Aries grinned, "chains you are currently taking off me."

Aries shrugged, "admit it. You need me. And I can make all your hidden desires a reality. I can make all your dreams come true." A playful grin tugged at the edges of his lips.

Gregory hesitated for just a moment but that was all it took for Aries to gain full entry into Gregory's mind. A sharp pain gnawed at his brain. The knight fell to the floor as he screamed from the excruciating pain. Aries began to hum a song. One Gregory immediately recognized as his mother's lullaby.

"My power may have been weakened by this cell but the second you considered my words for even a moment, that is when your life ended." Aries continued to loudly hum the song, causing the prisoners to once again spiral into a frenzy. They began banging on the cell doors, as they howled and screamed.

Tears of pain rolled down Gregory's cheek. His eyes grew dull as Aries slowly began altering his memories. "Goodbye old Gregory. Hello, new Gregory."

Gregory hesitatingly sat up as he looked around the cell room in confusion. "Where am I? Who are you?"

"Welcome to the team of the broken, the lost, and the damned! I am Aries Thorn, your savior."

To be continued...

To be continued

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