Chapter Nineteen: Pizza?

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Poppy's POV

I've learned something about myself. I really like hugs. Ever since I hugged the Duke a month ago he is all that's been in my mind. Mostly because he keeps popping up.

Wilbur told me that what the Duke is trying to do is earn my forgiveness so I will trust him. And I think I do. Trust him that is. It might have been because he opened the library for me. Something so close to his heart. This, to me, felt like a step closer into his mind. To understanding him.

He is a ball of secrets and emotions I want to let free. The more I talk to him or learn about him, the more interested in him I become. 'Who are you Loki Frost?'


I couldn't sleep one night so I was asking the Duke a few questions.

"What's your favorite color?" - P

"Black." -L

"What is your favorite food?" -P

"Probably rice." -L

"..." - P

"It taste good." - L

"Of course you would choose that as your favorite food," Poppy chuckled.

"What is that supposed to mean?" -L

"...Favorite animal?" -P

"...Wolves." -L

"Favorite drink." -P

"Water." -L

"Favorite book?" -P

"I don't have one." -L

"Do you not like to read?" -P

"I read every day, all day. Why would I do it in my free time." -L

"Fair enough." -P

"Can I go to sleep now?" -L

"I guess." -P

"..." -L

"..." -P

"What is your favorite food?" -L

"Probably pizza." -P

"Pizza?" -L

"You've never had pizza?" - P

"No? Is it a southerner thing?" - L

"Yeah, maybe. I'll make it for you one day."- P

"Okay." -L

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