Chapter Thirty-Three: Jack Frost

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The next wave was hundreds of dragons. Dragons from all different elements. 'I thought the dragon species was extinct!' He looked down at his sword and grumbled. 'This is going to hurt.'

Loki had first found his demon sword at the bottom of a labyrinth. Labyrinths are towers that hold various monsters and traps, as well as immense treasure. If labyrinths are left up for too long monsters can escape and begin attacking villages and towns. In the war against humans and demons that Loki fought in two years ago there were hundreds of labyrinths in the northern region that had gone untouched.

It took them four years to kill all the monsters and conquer all the labyrinths. When a labyrinth is conquered it crumbles to sand, leaving only the treasure at the bottom. It was one of the reasons he was able to keep the northern region, because he used the treasure found to pay all the taxes the people in the North couldn't afford to pay. The King was very happy and just said 'keep it.'

In one labyrinth he found his sword. It seemed to call to him. When it was in his hands it shrunk to the size of his pinky. No one else was able to use it but him.

"Demon Sword. Jack Frost." The sword grew over his skin. In seconds his whole body was covered in a black armor. His hair turned a bright blue. His skin felt like pins and needles. The ice slowly gnawed on his skin.

Gregory felt a cold drafts in the air. 'So he used Jack Frost? I guess he has things handled then.'

Loki sliced through the dragons. His demon sword absorbing their power. His eyes were beginning to go blurry. 'I can't stop.'

Loki ran into the basement with the last person and went over to Poppy. "I want to say this before I go. Just in case something happens." Poppy pulled him down to her height and kissed him. All the maids gasped. Lokis eyes were wide from shook. He eventually regained composure and grabbed her face, deepening the kiss.

Poppy pulled back for air. "Tell me when you get back," she whispered through staggered breaths. Loki nodded. "I'll be back. I'm not dying before I marry you," he shouted while he ran out the room.

I can't die here. He stabbed his arm. "Ah!" He screamed. His eyes cleared. 'They're just dragons. Nothing I can't handle.'

"This human really thinks he can fight us? The gods of this earth."

"Shut the hell up." Loki sneered.

"He just told us to shut up!" The dragons sneered. "You humans used to worship us!" "You need to be taught a lesson!"

"Ice Storm." Loki raised a hand in the sir. Giant icicles the size of houses filled the sky. He curled his fingers into a fist. The icebergs rained down, stabbing through all the giant lizards.

"Who knew dragons would be so talkative."


Loki flew up to the last wave and smacked right into something. He touched the air above him and realized there was an invisible wall. He pressed his palm to the air wall. "Freeze." The floor became visible as frost covered its surface. Loki punched it. The frozen air shattered allowing Loki to fly through the hole.

Loki looked around and stopped when he saw a table. He cautiously walked over to it. His eyes widened when he saw Poppy sipping tea and eating cookies. "Poppy?" She looked over to him and brightened up. He looked in front of her. A man with bright red hair and similar features as Angelica was foaming at the mouth. He was unconscious. "Did you?"

He looked between the two people at the table. "He tried brainwashing me. A big mistake on his part. I'm a little crazy up here." She tapped her forehead. Loki laughed and ran over to her. He picked her up and spun her around. "Only you Poppy. Only you."

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