Chapter 5

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Beacon Academy: Amphitheatre

All the Students of Beacon are all gathered together as Ozpin called for them. Everyone wonders what this is about.

Ruby: Hey guys, what do you think this is about?

Yang: Beats me, maybe it's about those ships we saw in the sky. Are you sure they're not from Atlas, Weiss?

Weiss: No I assure you they are not.

Blake: Well if it really involves those ships then I want to know about them. They could be related about that Unknown group.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Blake: I heard rumors that someone killed Sienna Khan, the Leader of the White Fang and this unknown group captured the killer.

Weiss: And you believe these were the people that captured that Man.

Blake: I believe so.

Then Ozpin appears alongside Goodwitch as all the Students quiet down.

Ozpin: I know you all have questions to why I called you all here and it's best if our guest explains everything to all of you.

As Jaune makes his way to the stage alongside a Squad of Purge Troopers. Everyone when they saw Jaune's armor alongside his Troopers felt very intimidated.

As Jaune stands in the middle as he gestured his Purge Troopers to stand around Ozpin and Goodwitch.

Jaune: Greetings students of Beacon if you're wondering who I am, I am the Leader of the group you see outside. Those Star Destoryers are in my command as well as these Troopers.

As all the Students murmur.

Jaune: I am known as Starkiller, but you all once know me as.

As Jaune removes his helmet. All the Students were shocked once Jaune removed his helmet, more So Team RWBY and PNR as they see how Jaune looks now and they felt sick to their stomachs. They know they were the cause of this.

Jaune: The Man once known as Jaune Arc.

Then the minute Jaune said his name some of the Students decided to yell out insults.

Student 1: It's the Faker!

Student 2: Get out of Beacon!

Student 3: You don't deserve to be here!

Student 4: Go die!

Ozpin just sighs, despite the punishments the Students still havent learned their lessons. Then suddenly 4 Students started floating in the air and chocking as Jaune uses Force Choke on them as he brings them closer.

Jaune: What was that about me dying hmmm?

The Students are trying to say something but they are still being choked.

Jaune: Hmmm, no answer. Fine, have it your way.

As Jaune closes his fist as he snaps the Students neck as their lifeless body hovers in the air. The Students were absolutely shocked, they didnt think Jaune would kill someone. As he throws the Students lifeless body to their Teams.

Goodwitch was about to restrain Jaune after he killed a student as all the Purge Troopers aimed their weapons at both her and Ozpin.

Goodwitch was about to restrain Jaune after he killed a student as all the Purge Troopers aimed their weapons at both her and Ozpin

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