Chapter 17

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In the streets of Vacuo multiple citizens rushed out of their homes and converged into the city. Dozens of them shouting and insulting all the Imperials, telling them to leave Vacuo and that this is their territory and not there's

The Imperial Army are set up a formation blocking the street. Imperial Army Troopers, equipped with electric batons and riot shields hold formation as the citizens come closer and closer.

 Imperial Army Troopers, equipped with electric batons and riot shields hold formation as the citizens come closer and closer

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Among the crowd of Imperial Army Troopers, an ISB walks to the middle and address the crowd of angry citizens.

Among the crowd of Imperial Army Troopers, an ISB walks to the middle and address the crowd of angry citizens

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ISB Agent: To all citizens of Vacuo, disperse now or we will use deadly force!

As the Imperial Army Troopers get in a stance and a squad of Stormtroopers stationed on the rooftops in the buildings all aim their blasters at them.

ISB Agent: I repeat, disperse now or we will use deadly force!

The citizens then started charging at the Imperial Army Troopers and began punching and kicking their shields, pushing them back.

ISB Agent: Very well then.

As the ISB Agent looks at the Troopers

ISB Agent: Hold the line.

The Imperial Army Troopers stood their ground and began hitting the citizens with their electric batons as an all out brawl occurred in the streets of Vacuo as dozens and dozens of citizens rushed out of their homes and began fighting the Imperial Army Troopers.

ISB Agent: Send them in.

One of the Imperial Army Troopers signals a group of Troopers to the fight, they are a squad of Riot Troopers.

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