Chapter 25

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Inside Ironwood's Office, he never got the alert from Winter and Clover that the Empire is here, the way he was told about this was an Atlas Soldier running into his Office and informing him about it. When he heard this, he drops whatever he was doing and rushes over to the window of his Office and sees Jaune's Super Star Destroyer, Crocea Mors, hovering in the skies of Atlas, alongside the Imperial Fleet. Ironwood looks closely and sees the Star Destroyers.

He rushes over to his Desk and tries to contact Winter or even Clover to get their Forces ready for the defense.

Ironwood: Specialists, do you read me? Winter? Clover?! Anyone?!

All he got from the Comms was static, which means Task Force 99 has successfully sabotaged the CCTS, making all communications in the Kingdom of Atlas, silent.

Ironwood's only saving grace was the Elevator Doors opening and out comes, Goodwitch, Tai, and Raven.

Goodwitch: James-

Ironwood: I know, Glynda. I know. But I can't get through with the Comms, I fear the Empire's jamming our communications. Have you made contact with Winter or Clover?

Goodwitch: We were able to meet up with Clover and he told us he's setting up the defenses of the City.

Raven: Screw defending the City! We need to attack them with everything we got!!

Tai: Didn't expect you to go in headfirst, Raven. Would have you thought you'd make a Portal and get the hell out of here.

Raven: I can, but there's nowhere else to go where I won't get shot by these Imperials!!

Ironwood: ENOUGH!! Our main priority right now is head to the Winter Maiden's location and secure her immediately. I fear that's Arc's next play.


The sounds of explosions echo out in the Office as everyone there rushes up to the window to see the Imperials setting off the Bombs they placed on the Kingdom. Everywhere in the Kingdom of Atlas, explosions run rampant as the City's up in flames.

Ironwood: We need to move, now!!

They all nodded to what Ironwood said, sprinting to the Elevator as they make a break for the Winter Maiden's location.

Atlas Academy: Rear Gates


Explosions start to rain down on the Rear Gates of Atlas Academy, Winter can be seen commanding both the Atlas Soldiers and the Atlas Students to defend the Academy. All forms of Communications have been shut downed, meaning no one has any means of contacting for Support as they hold the line.

Winter: Try and push them back, have the rest of the Students fall back inside now!!

Marrow: Incoming!!

Up by the rooftops of the Academy, giving out an overview of the Rear Gates, we see Squads of Shock Troopers, armed with a MiniMag PTL Missile Launcher. They take aim at the Atlas Soldiers and fire their Rockets.

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