Chapter 8

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In the outskirts of Mt. Glenn, Torchwick and Neo arrived in the caves of the mountain where they were met with a bunch of White Fang grunts.

White Fang Grunt: Halt who goes there!

Torchwick: It's me you morons.

White Fang Grunt: Torchwick, you're alive. We heard reports that those guys in armor raided the Warehouse. We thought you and the Lieutenant were killed.

Torchwick: We'll I'm here and that proves that I'm alive, anyway what are you animals doing right now?

White Fang Grunt 1: We're still setting up what remains of the Fire Dust we were able to salvage from the aftermath of the raids.

White Fang Grunt 2: Those soldiers won't be able to reach the caves in time because of the increase of Grimm. So we should be safe.

Torchwick: Oh I won't be so sure.

Then out of nowhere two figures appear behind the two grunts and before they could react they were stabbed by the claws of the figure as they revealed to be a Squad of elite Stormtroopers called Terror Troopers.

Then out of nowhere two figures appear behind the two grunts and before they could react they were stabbed by the claws of the figure as they revealed to be a Squad of elite Stormtroopers called Terror Troopers

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Torchwick: Best send your little robots, make sure they don't get seen by these idiots.

The Terror Troopers nod as a swarm of Terror Droids appear from the Forest and made their way to the entrance of the caves.

The Terror Troopers nod as a swarm of Terror Droids appear from the Forest and made their way to the entrance of the caves

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Torchwick: This should be fun.

As Neo smirks, this will be a bloodbath. The two of them make their way into the caves,
Torchwick looks around and sees the Terror Droids crawling up in the ceiling of the caves. He feels bad for the poor saps that face these guys

Meanwhile Jaune was informed that Torchwick is in the Caves and is headed for the White Fang's Base.

Jaune: Are all our forces in the area?

Admiral: Yes sir, the Terror Bio Droids are in position and will attack once we find their base.

Jaune: And the Terror Walker?

Admiral: Will be deployed once we confimed that Adam Taurus is in the area.

Jaune: Good, I want to see what he is made off.

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