make up

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Seulgi's pov

What happened to us seul? What? Unnie. What do you mean? She sigh as she look away. Seul ever since we were trainees we have been so close to each other. The day i moved in to our old dorm. We were so close. I stayed there for 2 months seul. We were so close to the point that we always slept together. What happened to that? I miss it seul. It was all suddenly gone. It was so sudden. You suddenly stopped going to my room one night. We stopped talking a lot after that night. What happened to us seulgi?

I look down. What does she want me to answer? What happened? I loved you unnie. Thats what happened. I still do. But you loved suho. Not me.

After a few seconds of silence unnie started to speak. Im sorry seulgi. I should have not done that. She say as she sigh. No im sorry hyun. Its my fault. I know its too late... But i will make it up to you. I will bring the old us back. I say with a small smile.

She looked at me with a smile. I will be holding on to that. She say as she continue to do what she was doing earlier.

I decided to help her. To somehow start with the bond again between us.

I start chopping onions as irene unnie started putting ingredients in the pan.

Seul you okay. She say as she look towards me. Yeah. I say as i sniff and look towards her. Oh your crying. She say with a chuckle and i was about to wipe my eyes when she stopped me. No. You held onions you cant touch your face. She say as she start to wipe my tears. I wasnt crying. She chuckle. What do you call this seul? She say as she show me the tissue she used to wipe my tears. It was the onions. I say as i pout. She laughed. Okay okay.

She continued cooking and finally im done with the onions. Done chopping. You mean crying? She tease. Unnie. Yeah yeah. She say as she laugh.

She finished cooking as i pick up the utensils.

Irene's pov

I was walking towards the refrigerator when i saw seulgi struggling to hold on to the utensils and other stuff. Seul you could have just brought it one by one. I say as i laugh looking at her as she try her best so that the plate wouldn't fall.

See? I did it. She say with a proud smile. Come on im hungry too. She say as she sat down while signaling me to sit beside her.

Here. She say as she give me the plate with all the food prepared. She then does the same for herself.

Unnie whats that amazing smell? We heard a familiar voice say as we hear footsteps coming closer.

Why didn't you tell you guys prepared food. I thought you were going for a run. I say as i ate a spoon full. Nope only seungwanie and yerim. Joy say as she sat infront of us. They are at the gym right? Yeah. Leave food for them i know they will be hungry.

Seungwan is on a diet. I will be on a diet too i will start tomorrow. Seulgi say as she put food in her mouth. Why whats your schedule? I ask. Its our schedule unnie. Oh yeah i didnt put that on my schedule notes yet. I say. I should go on a diet too then. Why? Did you gain weight unnie? Joy ask me. I dont think so maybe a bit? Why go on a diet then? Better body i guess? I say as i finish my food.

I lean on seulgi's shoulder as sooyoung say. I think you guys would make a good duo. Well you already ar- she was cut off when the door opened and an exhausted seungwan and yerim appeared.

Yeri flop herself on the couch as she say. Im so tired. As she closed her eyes. Yerim you should eat first. Then you can go to sleep. I say as i helped her sit down.

So should we talk? I ask and they immediately understood. They gather around the table as i look at them.

So who will go first? Me. Seungwan say. These days... I never told anyone but i got another piercing. Im so stressed these days. All the work... The company keeps asking me to go on a diet an upcoming performance with solar and the others they keep saying im not enough and i cant seem to be enough to them. I mean why cant people see im trying too? I hate the fact that just because we are celebrities people think we dont do what normal people do. I mean we are people too.

I look at seungwan. She was stopping her tears. You can cry wan. I say with a soft voice as joy immediately comfort her. You know we are celebrities wan. I started. Its all part of the job. I know its annoying frustrating and sometimes you want to quit. But this is what we chose. This is still the job we love. But this time more supporters. Also haters. There are still people there who support and love us. We should be listening to them not to those people who hate us. I say.

They may be annoying. But what they are saying is not true. Cause no one can know you more than yourself. Seulgi say.

Thank you unnie. Seulgi. Seungwan say with a smile.

I started recording the new drama these past few days. Joy say as she looked at us. This is not a big thing but it has been in my mind for days now.  I have been hearing people say i keep making mistakes while shooting. Why cant i be like the other actress. I mean we are different people dont they get that? They keep saying im not as good as them and i shouldnt be working with actors as good as them. Im trying to fit in but i cant... People still think im different. Joy say

Like what seulgi said earlier no one will know you better than yourself. You shouldnt try to fit in. You shouldnt act different for people. You shouldnt listen to what they are saying. Sooyoung-ah. They... Those people do not know what you have been through just so you can reach to the point that you can act with actors as successful as them. They wouldnt know how many times you wanted to give up. How many times you wanted to just go home. How many times you wished you never dreamed to be a celebrity. You should be you. Be what want to be dont mind the people who think you dont fit in. I say as sooyoung suddenly stood up and hugged me as she cry on my shoulders.

Why are you so good at this unnie? It made me think for a while.

Cause im the unnie... Dongsaengs rely on unnie. So i must know. I say with a small smile as i pat her back gently.

When joy started to calm down yeri started to speak. I have been receiving hate comments again these past few days. They say i shouldnt have joined red velvet. They say it was better without me. Yeri say with a sad voice. You know its not true right? Dont mind what they are saying. Four of us think the group has been better with you. The four of us. The members of red velvet. We wouldnt be this happy without our yerim right? I say as i look at the members as they immediately agree. Its five or nothing. Wendy say as yerim smile. Thank you. Unnies you guys are the best.

I have been noticing this for the past few days. Everytime I go outside there is always this man who follows me. He always wears a black hoodie a cap and denim pants. I just confirmed earlier that he really is stalking me. I look at seulgi. You should have told me earlier. I will call the security team tomorrow. I say as i check the time.

It was silent for a second. They were all looking at me. You have anything to say unnie? Joy ask. I look at them. No... I dont think i have any. I say. Are you sure unnie? You are always there to listen to us. We can listen to you too you know? We can do your role too. There are for of us unnie. I smile. I really dont have anything to say. But thank you guys.

After a few minutes of chatting we enter our rooms and i changed to the clothes i wear to sleep when i heard a knock. I open the door to see seulgi with a pillow.

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