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Irene's pov

You okay hyun? I... Um yeah. I say as i stood up properly as i composed myself. Tsk. People these days. She say as she look at the direction the man went to.

As we continue seulgi wrapped her left arm around me her right hand carrying everything we bought.

We walked around and everytime someone was walking closer or was looking at us seulgi's grip on my waist would get stronger and would pull my closer and closer.

We went in a clothing store and as i was choosing some clothes someone came closer to me.

Hi. I heard a mans voice say nervously. I look at him and he was a worker. Im a big fan... H-how can i h-help you. I smile. Even with a mask and a cap luvies still manage to know who we are.

How can i help you? I heard a familiar voice say as she wrap her arms protectively around my waist. The guy looked shocked. Seul he works here he is a fan. I say as i look at her. Can you give me a size small of this shirt please? I say as i hand him the shirt. He smile as he say. Of course. He then walked away. Have you chosen anything? I ask. She show me a shirt and a leather jacket. I nodded.

The guy came back as he handed me the shirt. Lets go pay seul. I say as i smile at her.

We went to the cashier and before i could take out my wallet the cashier say. Thank you for purchasing. Come again. I look at seulgi as she receive her card and got the paper bag. Seul i was going to pay. No need unnie. She say as she smile lets go. I pout.

We went to a restaurant and we ordered some food.

Why are you pouting? She ask me with a chuckle. I wanted to pay. I whine. Its on me unnie you always pay for me why cant i pay for you too? I cross my arms as i look away. Stop pouting hyun. She say as she smile. You want to pay for the food? I look at her in the eyes and she was doing her killer smile. I smile slightly as i nod. Okay you can pay. She say as i smile satisfied with what she said.

As the food was served i noticed seulgi suddenly became quiet.

I chew on my food as i look at her. She was looking at something behind me. I look to my side and with my peripheral view i noticed a group of guys who looked like they were in their early 20s laughing and whispering while some where looking at me. I look at seulgi and she was staring at them and if looks could kill they would probably be dead by now.

Ten years of our friendship this is the first time i saw seulgi look this mad.

Seulgi suddenly rolled her eyes and i looked back and all the laughs and whispers became quiet and i scoff nonchalantly. They bow as i smirk and slightly bow back.

I look towards seulgi as we hear. Yah they are so gorgeous. Irene is mine. We hear a guy say in that group of men. Sooyoung. Another guy said. Yeri. Another guy say. Wendy. Another guy say. Suddenly we heard two people say at the same time. Seulgi.

My ears perked up as i look at seulgi as she scoff and chuckle. I roll my eyes as she look at me as i continue eating. She is mine. I thought as i munch on the food.

We called for the bill and as we were waiting the group of guys suddenly came to our table. Can we please have your signature? The guy say. Seulgi looked at me as i nod as she got the paper and pen and signed it. I do the same as they asked for a picture. The guy went upfront to take a selfie with all of us in it and before the guys could come close beside me seulgi was already beside me with her hands wrapped around my waist and her head leaning on my shoulder while doing a peace pose.

We took the picture and the guys thanked us as the waiter gave us the bill i payed and we immediately left since people started to notice us cause the guys asked pictures with us.

Some people start to follow us as i say. Should we just leave? If you want to sure. But if you want to stay here but you want to leave because of them lets just stay. Its not like being in the mall is illegal. Lets just do what you want unnie. She say with a smile.

I look around and there were a lot of cameras. I look at seulgi and she was just smiling. I smile as i say. I know where we should go. I say as i hold her hand and pulled her towards the exit. Before we exit we wave to the luvies as they cheer then we went out.

I told seulgi where to go as she start to drive there. Park there park there. I say repeatedly as i point where i told her to park at.

We went out of the car as we went towards the swing. Its the first time i came here in a long time. I say as i sat down and look around. Did you always come here before? Yeah. This is where i did my me time. I say as i look at her. What about you did you ever come here before? I ask. I pass by here sometimes but i never really stayed around here before. She say as she sat beside me.

Oh lets eat at halmoni's place. Halmoni? Seulgi ask. Yeah. I say as i laugh. Growing up everytime we come to seoul we would live here we used to have an apartment here. We would always eat at halmoni's place and i even met a few friends here. I say while remembering my memories in this place. You must have a lot of memories here. Seulgi say. Suddenly seulgi looked at me. Unnie. Hmm? I answer Lets make memories that are just ours.

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