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A day had pass they the school heard the news about the untimely passing of y/n l/n the principal and the teacher decide to visit y/n's home..

Teacher- sigh!! Poor boy..he was tok young to die..

Principal- how could this persons do such this cruel  thing..specially to y/n.

Teacher- yeah he is such a brilliant student..

Principal- yeah...but if i was not wrong he was orphan  no parents no close family..all he had was rias and sona both of them are taking care of hom..

Teacher- oh i know both y/n and  sona are dating..

Principal- yeah so i heard..but how is sona taking this??

Teacher- sigh..we dont know..we haven't see sona for a while.


Rias was outside in y/n's house waiting for the arrival of her brother and sona's sister. She notice a crow crow in the tree .

Rias ( mind )- a crow??

Crow- ccaawww!! Caaaww!!!

Suddenly rias interupted by a portal of serafall and sirzechs

Suddenly rias interupted by a portal of serafall and sirzechs

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Serafall- ria-chan i recieve a call from so-tan!!!

Rias- indeed lady serafall.

Sirzechs- rias why are we needed into this??

Rias- big brother it just bother me..

Sirzechs- somethings the matter?? And who'se house  is this??

Rias- rias- big brother lets just say this is the house of my friend. A very close friend to us..

Sirzechs- i see..

Rias- sigh! Lady serafall i would like to talk to you about your sister this house was connected to her and our friend..

Serafall- did your friend hurt my so-tan!!!!!

Rias- no..actually sona was in the state of emotional tormoil..

Serafall- what happen.

Rias- tell me lady serafall arr you against having a devil is in a relationship to a normal human???

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