twenty-one | not again

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Was this a mistake?

One would assume these types of thoughts would be swarming Sophie's mind. They would be wrong.

As the petite blonde twirled around the empty space, encased by her newly formed lover, such thoughts wouldn't have even be considered. Through all that she's lost, through all that she's felt, this one fairly short moment shared now was the only thing she thought had ever truly felt right.

Sophie looked up into his iced eyes, feeling the soft touch of his hands around her waist. A flush gathered on her cheeks as her feet slip under her, hooking his leg. She had always been clumsy. But instead of the frown she had always encountered by her partners, Fintan simply smiled, his grip already steadying her.

She bit her lip, training her eyes to the leather shoes beneath. Her arm, which was positioned over his shoulder, slipped downwards, hand laying beside his collarbone as in an attempt to retract from him.

Fintan removed a hand from her waist only to position it under her face, tipping her chin upwards and forcing her to face him, "I'd like if you would look at me, Sophie."

'Sophie'. He barely ever called her by that name. Just the sound of it from his voice gave butterflies in her stomach. She'd like if he would say it again, just to listen.

He laughed and Sophie flushed darkly. Had she said that aloud?

"Sophie." He purred again, answering her question.

She licked her lips, "Don't do that.."

Fintan tipped his head, smiling sadistically, "And why is that, Sophie?"

Her hands slid down from his shoulders but were forced to press back into his chest as he drew her closer to himself. Sophie's pulse quickened, recalling the kiss they had shared just moments before, "You know I wouldn't be able to help myself."

He laughed again, such a sweet sound.

Before she could mutter a response, her head began to spin as if they were still dancing. Although this feeling wasn't quite as pleasing. Sophie gripped his tunic front, gasping for air, "I- I can't.."

"Sophie?" Fintan's voice spun out of focus, sounding warped, "Sophie!-"

She squeezed her eyes tightly a final time before collapsing.


Sophie gasped for air as her body pounced forwards.

She was alright, she was fine. Looking around, she was also glad she was not trapped where she was days before. Her head pounded violently.

She looked and found herself in her simple room that had been hers for the past few years. The bed that was currently being rested in was a new sheen of white. The sheets must have been changed. She gripped them as her head throbbed again.

"You're awake."

Sophie glanced over to the door, which had a familiar face guarding by it. She hadn't noticed him.

Fintan didn't look pleased; his appearance was freshly done, like the sheets, but that didn't include the look of tire on his face. He did seem so tired lately. The tall elf leaned against the wall, "Are you feeling alright?"

She nodded simply in response, which didn't seem to be doing a very good job of convincing him as he glanced away momentarily.

Sophie cleared her throat in the empty silence, it didn't seem like Fintan was feeling very reminiscent of the night they shared, "What happened?"

"We're not sure," He must have meant himself and Gisela, "But some of our current theories trail back to the Black Swan.."

"They wouldn't! They.." She glanced away from him, embarrassed at her defense, "I don't believe they would do that to me, no matter what."

Fintan stood silently for a moment and she almost would have believed he were not even there. He sighed, "That would truly depend on which side they believe you to be on and by this point, that appears with us. They did...create your mind, Moonlark. Though you are right that they wouldn't want to 'discard of you', I do still believe they were attempting to weaken you at worst."

Her heart seemed to throb. Although she had decided to let them go, she still couldn't help but feel betrayed by them for going so far as this...

"So," His eyes switched, removing themselves from their shared gaze, "That is why we, including Ruy and Gethen, have decided to attempt to return to Alluverte again."

Sophie furrowed her brows, "I hope by that you mean you are also including me."

He didn't reconnect his gaze, proving otherwise.

"That's an awful idea! We had just gotten you back from that location! What if I'm not there to help you? I-"

"Enough!" Fintan finally looked back, now approaching her bed, "You just collapsed and none of us have any idea what effects come with that." He ran a hand through his hair, "You could come in the way of our mission, along with unnecessary sacrifice. We are certainly not sacrificing your mind again."

Sophie felt furious, "But-"

His hand landed hard beside her, making her jump, "I can't handle losing you!"

The more she stares into his face, the more she notices that it's not anger written but frustration and worry. Fear.

Sophie bites her lip guilty, "Fintan.."

He collapses on the bed beside her, holding his head in his hands, "I can handle my mind being broken into, being broken. I've found myself to grow to be strong enough. Losing myself is something but losing you is another."

Fintan takes a breath before picking himself up and turning around to face her. Desperation engulfs his features, strands of blond falling helplessly into his eyes, "I don't know if you believe last night to be a mistake...but I don't. I don't. And now I just want to protect you." He takes her hands into his own, "Do you understand that?"

Sophie releases a breath, "I do."

"Thank you." His weight lifts from the mattress, "I'll ask of you to stay here and I hope that this time you'll try and listen." He heads to the door, a hand already placed over the handle.

"When are you leaving?"

He doesn't turn to face her again, eyes trained on the door, "I won't answer that."

The next thing spoken, Sophie isn't sure what he means by it. It could have been because of leaving her behind, it could have been last night. It could even have been focused on both.

"I'm sorry, Moonlark."

And then he was gone.


I'm so sorry guys 💀 that hiatus was criminal. I hope this fluffy-ish chapter made up for it.

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