ten | thrones with eyes

298 2 9

'the door of silver down the court, blocked by faces who hunt for sport, in the door reveals demise, for it the throne with darkest eyes,'


I pailed, stumbled off the bed, my head turning and twisting with my stomach. This could not be happening. My head throbbed as I tried to hide my feelings away from Keefe, as well as his smile, his eyes and his laughter.

"Sophie? It'll be fine," He grabbed my arm and yanked me gently to the bed, "You and Fitz are congates," His eyes faulted at my unease, "Sophitz power, remember?"

His mind had been broken before, what if I couldn't save him this time? What is this was his ending?

I forced myself to smile and I only hoped he couldn't feel my sadness, only my fear could be explainable to him.

Keefe nudged my shoulder playfully, "See, Foster? He'll never hurt you or anyone else again,"

I swallowed the lump rising in my throat, feelings of nausea clumping in my body. I was going to lose him forever.


I shuffled down the wooden log steps to meet two gut wrenchingly familiar faces. Fitz and Forkle. Even though the room had resembled the Alluverte hut exactly, I knew it couldn't be. The steps had led to a metal hallway, the walls lighten up with balefire. Down the path, behind the faces, was where Fintan was being kept.

Fitz gave a hopeful smile and pulled me into a hug. I didn't feel a blush or even a fluttering as I patted his back slowly, "Welcome back, Sophie,"

I pulled away quickly as Forkle cleared his throat, "Yes, welcome back Miss. Foster. Now, I have to apologize for the immediate request for you but it must be done immediately. He is too dangerous to be kept with his mind intact," He tapped his head gingerly.

My stomach flipped but I managed a nod.

We walked down the hallway, the already dim lighting becoming darker and darker as we trailed deeper in. The air was also turning icy, making me shiver and walk faster.

"Woah, that's new," Keefe whispered, pointing towards the two ginormus ogres blocking the silver door. 

I remembered the man with the softest voice, the one who folded his socks and drank only jasmine tea, the one behind this guarded silver door? I couldn't do this.

Feeling my head spin, I stumbled backwards into Forkle.

"Miss Foster, are you feeling well?" His voice was tinged with concern. It had been a while since I've heard real concern.

I nodded, "I'm fine, just a bit tired from last night, that's all," Lie.

Fitz chuckled and nudged past me and into the empty room of white. I walked in behind him and forced myself to look at Fintan. My heart dropped to my stomach.

His hair lost it's usual soft glow as well as his eyes, that now glowered in dull as they stuck to the floor. I watched his exhausted face closely as we closed the door behind  us.

He sighed, "I suppose it is time but I am going to warm you again, no one will be able to find anything-," He finally dragged his eyes up, which possibly turned even duller as they collided with mine, "Sophie Foster, we meet again..."

I bit my lip painfully as I watched Fitz and Forkle's disgust grow onto their faces in the corner of my eye. When reality hits you, it hits you hard.

"You brought the Moonlark and the Vacker boy? Ah, should I be honored?" He asked gently, a crooked smile plastered on his face as he cocked his head towards me.

Forkle merely chuckled, "I suppose you should be, Fintan, for it will be painful,"

My stomach gave another flip as Fitz and I walked towards him. Fitz grabbed my wrist as I put my fingers on Fintan's cold temple. I looked to Fitz, who's eyes glinted with hunger and determination, almost sickening.

I pushed into his mind, holding back my emotions as I heard him screaming. Don't look back. Don't look back.

I seeped into the cold darkness of his mind, waiting for the transmission that finally came, "Ready for Everblaze?"

I hated this.


Feeling the rush of power from Fitz, I sent a brain push into Fintan's head, ignoring his retched screams.

For a moment, nothing happened. A second passed, then two, then three. Finally, a blurred image appeared and I had a feeling that it hasn't happened before. A fuzzy picture of two pointy eared elves, sitting on a dark thrown in a room of black.

"Try another Everblaze."

I felt my head twist as I sent another wave, transforming the image as clear as day.

The thrown had Neverseen eyes on it, Fintan's healthy self sitting kingly on one side wearing a black and ruby circlet.

"Oh my ancient,-"

I was the one sitting next to Fintan.

So that's what he dreams about... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Sophie- bold

Fitz- bold and italic

Fintan- italic

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