ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 3

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A/n: istg this story is so cringe there is no way I'll continue it in the future the only reason why I'm writing it is because I'm bored 😭

I don't even like pantalone that much

I woke up at 10 am because I was exhausted. I looked absolutely terrible but I really didn't care, today I just wanted to lay in bed and do nothing.

Well I wanted to but then I looked at my phone and saw that it was Monday. I must be dreaming.

I looked again and it still said 'Monday'. I quickly ran to the bathroom and got ready. I will be an hour late to work

Honestly the restaurant closing doesn't seem like such a bad thing right now. Atleast I would be able to lay in bed and do nothing.

I quickly rushed through my front door ignoring everyone in my way. I probably even forgot to lock my door but I really didn't care right now. The only thing that matters is not being late.

I made it to the wanmin restaurant and quickly apologized to everyone.

I started working like usual until I saw a familiar face.

"Why is he here?!" I wishepered but he managed to hear me.

"Why is who here?" asked the ginger 

"Oo who is he?? Will you introduce him to me?" said xianling with a sly grin 'nobody' I wanted to say but instead I said

"Haha.. uhm this is childe and this is xianling"

"HOW DID YOU TWO MEET" xianling said overloaded with excitement

"Calm down, we just kinda bumped into eachother.." i said slightly annoyed. Why did he even come here?? Xianling will never shut up about him.

"Why are you here childe?" I finally had the chance to ask him
"Hm? Is there anything wrong with me visiting the wanmin restaurant?"

"No.." I sighed. All I wanted to do was lay in bed all day but now I have to deal with this ginger. Atleast I'm not a waiter so my job is to make the food in the kitchen so I wouldn't even have to look at him.

I walked to the kitchen annoyed and made his food as quickly as possible.

The rest of the day went normally. Childe didn't try to make any unless conversations and I could finally go home.

Until I realized I had to go to the northland bank if I wanted to save the wanmin restaurant.

Why can't xianling borrow money from them? It's her restaurant.. but I guess I really need the job and we are best friends after all... and if I had any other job I would get fired immediately because of my clumsiness

Where is the northland bank anyways??

After searching everywhere I finally found it. When I entered it looked so luxurious. I was wondering why everyone wore masks probably it's just some weird dress code.

I was walking up to an assistant when I noticed the same man who I saw when i was with xianling. I heard him saying something to the assistant and even his voice was similiar to baizhus.

Maybe they're brothers..? I should ask baizhu about him.

"Welcome to the northland bank. How may I assist you?" Said the lady named Ekaterina

"Can I borrow money" I said awkwardly, I really don't know how this works

"Of course, just fill out this form and sign these papers" she responded

I filled out the form and flipped over the papers before signing them. It was much easier than I thought, why isn't everyone borrowing money?

"Thank you and have a nice day"

I walked out of northland bank with a big smile on my face. I was so excited to tell xianling tommorow.


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