ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 2

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(This chapter will be in first person)
The rest of the day was quite difficult. I have no idea why I decided to become a chef, I don't even know how to cook and I messed up a few orders.

Ofcourse, xianling didn't mind she's my best friend after all. But I still felt quite uneasy..

Am I even suitable for this job? I'm not good at it but I certainly enjoy it!

"I know you're trying your best but the restaurant isn't making any money and we are in debt.." xianling continued "and if we don't get any money we will have to close the restaurant"

"Close the restaurant? But what will I do? How will I find a new job? You can't just close it!" I replied

"Yes, but we have no other choice.." xianling said in a sad voice.

I just left the restaurant devastated. I was walking around the streets of liyue and I decided to visit my friend baizhu at the bubu pharmacy.

When I approached the pharmacy I was really hoping to see him since he's not there often and a girl named qiqi usually works there.

I walked inside and I saw baizhu in there

"Hey y/n, I havent talked to you in quite a long time. How are you? Anything new?" I heard baizhus comforting voice. He always looked after me and was truly a great friend.

We met a few years ago and ever since then we became good friends.

"Hi baizhu, everything's ok but xianling said that the restaurant is in debts and we need to get money somehow or we will have to close it. I dont know what I will do if she closes the restaurant."

"That's terrible, but maybe it's an opportunity for you to find a better job." the man replied

"But I like working there. I'm not the best chef but I enjoy it"

"Well then if you really love that place you could borrow money from the northland bank." baizhu said with his signature smile.

"The northland bank? I've heard of it somewhere.."

"Yes, it's quite popular" baizhu said with a glint of excitement

"Alright, thanks for the help! You always know how to cheer me up."

I'll be able to save the wanmin restaurant!

I'll probably go home now I'm really exhausted from the long day.

Well I didn't go home immediately because on my I saw a tall ginger male.

"Well hello there" he said

"Excuse me do I know you?" I replied confused
"You don't but you will soon" he said something to himself but I couldn't quite hear it "What?" I asked.

"Nothing. I have to go somehwere so ill see you later" he said with a smile

"See me later..?" I was so confused but I really couldn't care less I just wanted to go home and sleep

I walked through the streets of liyue when I finally reached my tiny apartment. It wasn't the best or most expensive apartment but I couldn't complain. I collapsed on my bed and drifted off to sleep.


I woke up quite late and decided to go outside for a walk, maybe buy something to eat.

I went to third round knockout since it was close to my apartment. I ordered a jewelry soup and patiently waited for my food until I saw someone familiar.

"We meet again!" said the same person from yesterday

"are you stalking me or something?"

"Stalking? No, I just want to be friends and I met you here by pure coincidence! My name is childe btw" he's quite weird..

"Uhh sure my name is y/n" I introduced myself, I really didn't want to be his friend but I guess I had no other choice.

He sat at my table
"What did ya order?" he asked "just a jewelry soup" I replied awkwardly

"What coincidence! Me too." yeah that's definitely not a fucking coincidence.. he's really weird but maybe being friends with him won't be so bad..

We had lunch together and honestly it wasn't as bad as I expected. He wasn't that weird but he was definitely wayy too friendly.


Honestly I don't know what I'm doing with this book i dont even know if its good or even decent so please lmk how i can improve 😭

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