ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 5

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Question: how should I write pantalone? (Manipulative, kind or elegant etc.) For now I'm writing him like a regular person because he doesn't appear often but soon he will make an appearance in almost every chapter. Btw if I write him manipulative the story will be a little darker.
The past week I have been working a lot. Xianling told me that we really need to try our best to make as much money and repay the debt as soon as possible.

In my opinion the restaurant is definitely the best in all of teyvat. Xianling is a wonderful cook but not many people visited. I was trying so hard to make money I even worked on the weekends.

Today was a usual day as always. Due to working so much I visibly had a lack of sleep. But I have to repay the debt, I don't want to deal with debt collectors.

As I rushed through the door and locked it I saw 2 familiar men walking around liyue. One had ginger hair the other had black hair. They seemed to be talking about something.

The black haired one had a huge grin on his face which piqued my interest. I took a closer look and saw that the two men were pantalone and childe.

I had no idea they knew eachother. I was so interested that I didn't even notice the ginger looking at me. I didn't even notice I was subconsciously staring at them.

This is so embarrassing.

I took another path to wanmin restaurant hoping I won't meet the 2 men. I was awkwardly walking to the wanmin restaurant. Until I saw childe and pantalone ordering food there.

Did they really have to go eat there NOW?

I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to be late for work but I most definitely did not want to confront these two today.

Especially after childe saw me staring at them. It would be way too awkward.

So being the smart person I am I decided to go somewhere else. It probably wasn't a good idea since I was late 3 times this week..

Why am I so scared of them? I could just say that I was staring at a friend or something..

After walking around liyue I saw pantalone. That must mean that they left the restaurant. Childe is probably going home or to his work.

Actually now that I think about it childe never mentioned where he worked.. I said quietly to myself.

I decided to walk back to the wanmin restaurant. I checked the time and saw that I will only be... 30 MINITES LATE?!

I ran as fast as I could I nearly tripped a few times. Everyone looked at me as if I was crazy.

I saw the wanmin restaurant and rushed to the kitchen. I should've slowed down.. maybe then I would've seen the ginger named childe looking at me with a sweet smile. But unfortunately the smile wasn't sweet, more likely it was full of mysteries.

"WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU???" Xianling yelled at me.

"Haha.. long story actually" I said shyly.
"Forget it, just hurry up and make the orders. AND DONT BE LATE AGAIN!"

"Alright alright I won't..."

I was making an order when I heard xianling say something

"Can you give this order to table #? The waitress isn't here today either."

"Ohh so that's why you're so pissed today"

"YES IM THE ONLY ONE WORKING" she yelled once again. I thought she was no longer mad.

"Alright calm down." I said calmly

I walked to the table with food in my hand when I noticed the man from today. Childe.

I nearly dropped the food when I saw him.


Well I didn't really have a choice since he already saw me.. so I just shyly walked up to him avoiding eye contact.

"What's with the weird behavior?" He asked with amusement.

I would've just ignored his question and would never talk to him again but he knows pantalone and I could get even in more trouble so I decided to speak.

"Haha.. what do you mean.." I said quietly.

"Well you're clearly avoiding me and I saw you staring at me and pantalone." He said as if it was funny.

Shit. Why did he have to bring it up??

"First of all, I'm not avoiding you. Secondly, I wasn't staring I just thought that I saw xianling" I mustered courage to speak.

"Lies." He said with a straight face. "But.. I forgive you. Just don't ignore me anymore okay?" He continued

He forgives ME?? I didn't do anything wrong!


Honestly I had no idea childe could look so intimidating..

I walked back to the kitchen hoping I won't have to see him or pantalone for the rest of the day.

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