ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 7

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A/n: I'm thinking of writing another story so plz leave some suggestions in the comments


I woke up feeling tired. I came home late at night and I couldn't fall asleep. All I could think about last night was dinner with pantalone.
Everything just felt.. weird. But not in a bad way. I can't tell if I admire him.. or if I'm scared of him..? Why did I even think about him?

'Whatever..' I said quietly

I really should get ready for work but I'm tired.. I only slept for a few hours.

I slowly got up from my bed and made myself some coffee. I don't usually enjoy drinking coffee but I really needed the energy. If I didn't drink coffee I would fall asleep at work! It already happened once.. or twice..

I can't believe some people actually drink coffee everyday! It's so bitter..
I had to force myself to swallow the coffee.

I checked the clock and noticed that I won't even have enough time to eat breakfast. I hurried and changed into my clothes and I was about to run through the door but then I saw a letter..? And some flowers

I don't have time for this but I'm too curious to see what's written in the letter.
I saw that it was from pantalone.

How did he get my address..?

'Hello y/n, I hope you enjoyed dinner with me and childe last night. I wanted to meet you in the northland bank at 7 PM after you've finished your work. You can find my office on the second floor.

I hope you like the flowers, I chose them for you.'

Huh..? He wanted to meet me? For what exactly?

Next to the letter I saw the bouquet of flowers. They were begonias along with some other flowers. I wonder why he picked begonias..

I just stood and adored the flowers with a smile. But my smile faded when I remembered that I have to go to work.

Once again I was running through Liyue like crazy so I wouldn't be late for the millionth time.
I started sprinting even faster when I saw the wanmin restaurant in the distance.

"Well well well look who's late again" xianling said rolling her eyes. "You should stop using our friendship as a way to get out of trouble." She continued

"Yeah you're right, if I worked somewhere else I already would've been fired." I said

I really wish I could work here forever..

"Yeah yeah whatever let's just start working. The food won't cook itself!" she said and I chuckled.
I'm so glad xianling doesn't get mad at me for being late.

We started working like usual. The day passed so slowly and we didn't get many customers. I bet it was because of those false rumors..

"We got like.. 4 customers in total today." Xianling suddenly said

"Yeah haha.." I chuckled nervously "I don't know how you will ever repay the debt if we continue failing like this." She said disappointed

I just stayed silent because I didn't want to admit that I'm not capable of repaying the debt by myself.

I finished doing the dishes like usually and said goodbye to xianling. I noticed that it's almost time for me to meet pantalone at the northland bank.

After walking cluelessly around Liyue I finally found the bank. I walked in and once again admired the sophisticated decor of the bank.
I walked over to the woman who works there and asked her where pantalones office is.. because I forgot.

"You're here to see the owner..? I'm sorry but I can't allow some random nobody to see sir pantalone." The woman said coldly.

A nobody? Ouch.

I noticed a voice from behind me say something
"Please refrain from being rude to customers." The voice belonged to pantalone

"I'm very very sorry sir." pantalone completely ignored her words

"let's go to my office." He said and I followed behind him.

We entered his office and I couldn't stop adoring the divine decor. His office was prettier than the rest of the bank.
"Do you like my office?" He asked with a smile, he seemed very relaxed
"Yes, it's really beautiful" I replied

"I'm glad you like it, please have a seat."
I sat down in front of his dark wooden desk.

"I would like to discuss your debt."

Most people would be nervous but I wasn't. The way that he said it made me somewhat calm.
He's really admirable.. the way that he speaks, his eyes..

My thought were cut short when he suddenly spoke
"I noticed that the restaurant wasn't doing well and I decided to offer you a job."

"You would have to work for me. The job is quite simple, you would have to attend meetings with me and do paperwork. Kind of like a secretary or a helper." He explained

I was hesitant.. I'm not the best at paperwork and I really like working with xianling.

"Can I refuse..?" I asked doubtfully, I knew he would say no but I still had hope
"I'm afraid not, unless you can repay your debt."

I sighed "Alright then.. I agree" borrowing money from this bank was certainly a big mistake

"Wonderful, here sign these papers." He passed me the papers and I signed them. I really wanted to keep working in the restaurant but I had no other choice.

"Don't worry, it won't be that bad. We will travel a lot and you'll be able to see the beauty of teyvat." He said trying to reassure me but I was still scared


I have no idea how I'll tell xianling that I have to quit working at the restaurant.. I worked with her for forever..


Okay so idk how but I managed to make this chapter longer and I think my style of writing changed so lmk if you like it

I literally spent an hour researching the meanings of flowers 😭

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