Chapter 4

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7:46 AM, July 1st, 2001. West Chester, PA, Bam's house. (The morning after the last chapter.)

Lizzy was woken up by the sound of a very annoying alarm clock, she was facing towards the opposite side of the bed, so she kicked it off the nightstand to try to get it to shut up.
But it didn't work, she just caused a louder noise and the alarm kept beeping.
"Jesus fucking Christ." she mumbled to herself while propping herself up on the bed with her hands.
She crawled out of bed and hit the "off" button, then aggressively rubbed her eyes.
She ran her fingers through her hair, seeing if it felt greasy or not, and it was, so she then decided to take a shower.
She always took cold showers, and she let the water hit her face, making her already smudged makeup run down her cheeks, staining them a charcoal color.
She washed her hair, then shaved her armpits and legs using one of Bam's razors, then she put it back on the shower rack without washing the hairs out of it. "He'll never know who did it." She laughed and thought to herself. She then washed her body, shut off the water, dried herself off with a towel, and stepped out.
She went ahead and brushed her teeth, wiped off all of her run-down makeup, and wrapped a separate towel around her hair to dry it faster.
She then remembered that she forgot her change of clothes in her room, and that meant she would have to walk through the hallway in nothing but a small towel that just barely covered her private parts. She also remembered that she was the only girl in a house full of men, who liked to pull pranks.
"But what man would be up at this hour? It's like 8 o'clock in the morning." She thought to herself before she inhaled, brushed off her nervous thoughts, and stepped out of the bathroom.
Just as she stepped out, she was faced by Bam, he stood in front of the bathroom door blocking her with his arms crossed, and he had an evil grin.
"It's payback time, Liz."
"Payback? What are you even talking about?" she asked nervously.
"Yesterday, when you hit me in the nuts." he answered.
"Does it have to be right now? Now's not a good time, Bam."
She didn't care for his answer as she tried to push him out of the way so she could get to her room, but as soon as she tried to do so, he ripped off her towel, leaving her completely naked as he ran away, down the stairs.
"BAM, WHAT THE HELL?!" "GIVE IT BACK!" Screamed Lizzy, as she panicked and ran after him. She didn't care too much about being naked, she knew she looked good, but she was just angry at Bam and wanted to kill him.
But little did she know, everyone else was downstairs eating breakfast.
Bam came running down the stairs, laughing hysterically with a towel in his hand.
He ran through the living room, then to the dining room, and out the back door. Lizzy wasn't far behind him, but her face went blank and red as she reached the bottom of the stairs and saw the crowded room.
"Holy shit!" shouted Steve-o as he pointed to get everyone else to look.
All the guys' jaws had dropped to the floor, they were practically drooling and Ryan couldn't stop laughing.
"Morning guys." said Lizzy as she ran outside after Bam.
They both ran around the house to the front yard until Lizzy had finally caught up to Bam and tackled him to the ground. She had him pinned to where he couldn't move.
"Say you're sorry Bam! SAY IT!" yelled Lizzy.
"Kiss my ass!" he yelled back.
At this point everyone had ran outside to see what was going on, it was Weeman, Pontius, Steve-o, Ryan, Ehren, and Johnny.
"Bam's gettin' pinned down by a girl!" yelled Weeman.
"She got him good!" yelled Chris.
Ryan ran down off the porch and then pulled Lizzy off of Bam, he held her back until she calmed down enough.
"Where's the towel at, Bam?!" yelled Ryan.
"I dropped it, I don't know!" Bam yelled back.
Lizzy had now hidden her naked self behind Ryan.
Johnny ran down off the porch too, then he took off his flannel shirt and handed it to Lizzy while trying to keep his gaze off of her body.
"Thanks." she said, wanting to die of embarrassment.
"Don't mention it." said Johnny as he smiled at her.
She quickly wrapped the flannel around herself, her face was still a bright red, "We're not finished here yet, Bam."
"Ooooooh, you better watch out." said Ryan to Bam as he helped him back up.
"That's no way to treat a nice young lady, Bam." said Johnny, jokingly.
"She's not very nice to me." Bam snarked back.
"Oh please, as if you're a saint." said Lizzy as she laughed and rolled her eyes.
"Truce?" asked Bam as he held out his hand with his pinky extended to link with hers.
"Deal. But as long as I can get you back for this one, it was just too gnarly." she laughed as she met his pinky and wrapped her own around it.
"Deal." he replied.
Bam and Lizzy had made up, but all the other guys were still staring at Lizzy, the flannel still barely covered her body. Johnny noticed.
"Quit staring and go back inside, you buncha' jackasses." said Johnny while shooing them away.

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