Chapter 3

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(Continued from last chapter.)

Everyone walked up to the front door, and Steve-o locked his car. Everyone waited at the front door for Bam to unlock it, "You guys could have just broken the window and reached for the handle, 'don't gotta wait on me." said Bam as he fiddled at the door with his keys. "Yeah, then Ape would chew our asses out." said Lizzy as she smiled at Bam. Bam winked at her then held open the door for everyone. Lizzy rushed through the door, cutting in front of the guys, as she ran up the stairs to quickly get changed into a more "presentable" outfit. She walked into her guest bedroom, then slung off Johnny's borrowed shirt onto her bed. She then walked over to the mirror to stare at her body in her underwear and bra. After a minute or two of self doubt, she stripped off her underwear and changed them for a dark gray lace pair. She kept the same bra on, and then threw a cropped tie-dye tank top over it. She then put on a short, black, jean skirt; it fell just below her finger tips, if she bent over, then her whole ass would be out for show. She then fixed her hair and makeup, all of this was taking a good 15 minutes.
Within those 15 minutes, Johnny was left to change into some dry clothes, but all he wanted to do was think about her strange behavior. How she was "embarrassed" to be so close to him. How she seemed as if she wanted to pretend their moment in the car ride back, never happened. And now she's been gone for quite a while. Maybe I upset her? I should go check on her.
Johnny pushed himself up off the couch and slowly made his way up the stairs to the guest bedroom that she was staying in.
Lizzy was making some final touches to her appearance when she heard some slight knocks on the door.
Johnny loudly cleared his throat then said, "Hey Elizabeth, can we... uh... can we talk?"
She jumped at the sound of his voice.
She was nervous as hell but decided to play it cool and act confident, she felt confident in her appearance, but not anywhere else. She opened the door and smiled at him, then she faked a frowny-face and said, "Aww, look who was worried about me."
Johnny rolled his eyes and scoffed at her, jokingly, then he leaned against the doorframe and placed his back against it, resting on it.
Lizzy then did the same, on the other side, subconsciously mimicking his behavior. "So, what did you want to talk about?" smiled Lizzy. "Did I... upset you?"asked Johnny while looking down.
"No, what makes you think that?" replied Lizzy as she placed a hand onto his upper arm.
"Nothing, I guess you were right. I was just worried because you sort of ran away from me."
said Johnny while looking up at her and crossing his arms onto his chest.
She didn't wanna tell the truth, that she was sort of embarrassed to be all up on him like that.
Lizzy dragged her hand down his arm and then to his hand and she held it with both of her own. "I just wanted to get changed out of your smelly shirt. You can have it back now." she said as she let go of him and walked over to grab his shirt from the bed. As she was leaned over to grab it, Johnny said, "You can keep it."
This made Lizzy blush and smile, she tried her best to not jump up and down and scream like a little girl.
"Are you sure? I don't wanna be a bother..." said Lizzy as she tucked her hair behind her ear as she walked back to him.
"There's nothing you could do that would ever bother me, dollface." said Johnny as he interrupted her and placed his hand onto her cheek.
Before Lizzy could respond, Ryan charged at her and threw her over his shoulder, making her scream, and he jokingly said, "Let's get downstairs and you can make me a sandwich, Liz."
"You ass!" yelled Lizzy as she hit his back with her fist. Ryan began to take her down the stairs, Lizzy gave up and then waved goodbye to Johnny as he stood in the same spot. He winked back at her and gained a smile from her.
Johnny then grabbed his clothes from his suitcase and changed into a graphic tight-fitting t-shirt, dark blue baggy pants with a belt and chain, beaten up converses, then his aviator sunglasses. He then went downstairs to meet up with everyone.

An hour later, Preston, Dave, Ehren, Jeff, and Spike, pulled up to Ape and Phil's house in a white van. Everyone greeted each other and Lizzy introduced herself to Dave, Ehren, Preston, and Spike. "I didn't expect you to actually join jackass, Elizabeth. You being a girl and all." said Ehren as he continued to hold contact with Lizzy's hand after shaking it. "Can it, Dange. If anyones a girl, it's you." said Spike as he shoved Ehren out of the way and held out his to shake Lizzy's. Lizzy smiled and curtsied at him. "It's really good to have a girl on Jackass, I enjoy change." said Preston as he stood beside Spike. "Hi, I'm Preston." Lizzy nodded and shook Preston's hand. "Hey Jeff!" yelled Lizzy as she ran up to Jeff and gave him a hug. "I saw you like 3 days ago, Liz." laughed Jeff as he just stood there without returning the hug. "You're gonna begin to hate Jeff, soon enough." said Dave England as he reached his hand out to Lizzy's. Jeff rolled his eyes and they all shared a laugh. "It's nice to meet you all." smiled Lizzy as she left to go to the living room.

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