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Blaze was fannely having a long sleep, the others had tough that the nightmares were over but no they were just getting bigger and longer. Blaze's body went numb while he was in his nightmare. Ice decided to sleep next to blaze but bifore he even started walking Blaze woke up after falling from the couch. "IM ALIVE" blaze exclamed so loud they tought the galaxy could here him.

"i got crushed slowly i even felt my body going numb" he also said. Ice then walked towards blaze and sat next to his twin who had already sat up. "Ile be next to you if you get one of those nightmares again". "It doesn't matter tho- im already used to it by new, its my 30ste time in 3 weeks" the others frowned after hearing how many times blaze had it by new.

Blaze then passed out from exaustion. Ice placed his brothers head on his schoulder while he turned the tv on to somthing simple. It was a movie about nature sounds and thorn joined to watch the movie with ice. Blaze's body went numb again and ice could feel it this time. "Hes numb" ice said bifore gempa walked closer to the 2 sitting there and sat bihind blaze on the couch to be close by. Lets just say he dint stay asleep long.

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