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(shot of a spaceship flying through outer space) Ben inside sitting on a chair with a hologram of max displaying on top of the omnitrix. "Grandpa why do I have to go why can't you send some other plumbers" ben complained. Max replied "It's because this is a high risk mission this creature has destroyed multiple planets and we can't risk one more so ben you got to take this on alone". "Ugh fine" ben replied "bye grandpa" ben said and shut off the omnitrix. He went to the cockpit of the ship and he looked at the distant planet, Ben pressed some buttons on a screen and read the name of the planet "quesitsa?" ben said "yep that's the place", 

Ben's ship landed on the planet and the door opened and he walked out he heard a voice say "you the one the plumbers sent?" ben looked around and then looked down to see a fat gray hairless creature" Ben replied "yes i am  ben tennyson of the plumbers wielder of the omnitri-" "Yeah yeah i get it" said the creature Ben looked annoyed. "alright so what is your name" ben asked "Gurag i am the leader of the planet " Gurag said" Ben said "Alright gurag what is the problem" Gurag replied "Our top scientists have discovered a creature approaching quesitsa that could destroy it" Ben replied "Alright i'll deal with it so when will this creature arrive?" Gurag said "Well in about 1 minute and ran off Ben saw the red creature.

 ben activated the omnitrix and stopped on humungousaur he yelled "IT'S HERO TIME!" and slammed the dial and when transformed into humungousaur he yelled "HUMUNGOUSAUR! alright mr red monster it's time for a royal beating" and he ran towards the creature where he got electrocuted and slashed in the face and the omnitrix where he felt blood on his face he touched it and said "Looks like this is going to be harder than i thought" he slammed the dial of his omnitrix yelling swampfire then blasted the alien who just handled it and then the alien stomped shaking the ground knocking ben down but then he detransformed ben said "What happened" He looked at the dial which was flashing blue and red" He turned it on running from the monster cycling through aliens when he saw a strange hologram which he later recognized as feedback. He said "i thought i lost feedback because of malware but okay i guess" he slammed the dial and transformed into feedback.

"I forgot how much i loved this" ben said he blasted the alien which was knocked back and ben absorbed some of the energy around him and he blasted the alien again when the alien fell to the ground and it tried to attack ben but ben blasted harder which made the alien fall when ben remembered that living creatures have energy inside of them, he absorbed the energy out of the body of the creature causing it to fall down and die. Ben transformed back to normal and said "I'm so glad to have you back feedback" .  Gurag said "Yeah thanks for taking out the creature", Ben replied "You're welcome" Ben got on his spaceship and blasted off back to earth.

Ben 10: Dark twistWhere stories live. Discover now