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Ben was sitting on the porch of his house looking at the empty patch on his wrist where the omnitrix once was and he stood up and went up to his bedroom and sat onto his bed and he saw a green flash behind him and he looked back and saw azmuth he stood up and said "Azmuth where have you been" azmuth replied "Watching... and I got to say I'm impressed" ben asked about what "Me letting grandpa and Gwen and Kevin die?" azmuth replied "That was never your fault ben, but that's not what I'm here for" ben asked "Then what are you here for?" "To give you this" azmuth replied and then ben felt something on his wrist and saw an Omnitrix, Ben stood up and said "an omnitrix?" azmuth replied "THE OMNITRIX the one you used to have was prototype, this is the complete" ben asked "Azmuth how could I ever thank you" azmuth replied "Keep doing what you do" and then azmuth teleported away ben looked down and collapsed on to his bed in exhaustion.


Ben 10: Dark twistWhere stories live. Discover now