Chapter 15

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"Anybody else starving?" JJ pipes up in the morning. We had spent all night on the boat, headed back to the island. I had slept on the hard floor with JJ, holding on tight to me. "We need to grab some sort of breakfast."

"We're gonna find some food." Sarah states as we pull up to a dock. She gestures to us three girls.

"Thank god." JJ mumbles. I move to stand up from where I was seated to follow the other two girls. Before I can make my way to the edge of the boat to climb off, JJ grabs my hand. He pulls me down to meet my lips with his own. "Okay, you can go now." JJ smirks.

"Still gross." John B states, shaking his head.

"Hey, don't be jealous." I say to him.

"Oh yes, 'cause I dream of macking on JJ."

"Who doesn't?" I say, climbing off the boat.

Sarah, Kie, and I wander inland to see what we could salvage for food. After we had been walking for ten minutes, Kiara bends down to pick something up. As she stands, she hold a large watermelon above her head.

"Ugh! Jackpot!" Kie cheers.

"Oh, bless!" I say excitedly.

"Hell yeah." Sarah agrees.

"How do we open it?" I ask.

"That's a good question." Sarah says. She looks around the ground. "What if we use a rock?"

A thought strikes me. "Wait, I have one of JJ's knives in my bag." I shrug it off, opening the small compartment. I reach in and pull out a black switch blade.

"Why do you have that?" Kie laughs.

"It's JJ. Of course I have one." I respond.

"Are you about to tell us he makes you carry it?" Sarah giggles.

"He does." I speak with a smile. "For self defense."

The two other girls laugh. I hand the knife to Kiara, she slices open the melon. She cuts it in half before scooping out the meat.

"You and JJ are ridiculous." Kie says. "Good for each other though."

"I've always loved you guys together." Sarah adds.

The three of us sit on the ground, eating the fruit. Hums of pleasure come from all of us as we consume the watermelon.

"Holy shit, this is good." I speak up.

"John B and I got married." Sarah announces out of the blue.

I choke on the piece of watermelon on my mouth. "I'm sorry, what?"

"It was sweet."

"Wait, so you guys really got married?" Kiara asks.

"I mean, it wasn't exactly legal, but..." Sarah shrugs before smiling. "Yeah."

"Weird." I giggle.

"Yeah, kinda." Sarah laughs. "So, am I crazy or is there definitely something going on between you and Pope?"

"Maybe." Kiara shrugs.

"That's not a no." Sarah states, smiling.

Kiara shrugs again, smirking. "It's not a no."

"Girl." Sarah says simply with a smile. She looks over at me. "What about you? How are you and JJ?"

A smile forms on my lips. "We're good."

"You guys had your one year, right?" Sarah asks curiously.

Guilt instantly strikes me. I didn't have the heart to tell her that I'd been in my weird catatonic depression state when that came around. I'd let JJ down again that day and it crushed me.

"Uh, yeah."

"How was it?"

Kie and I share a glance. She shakes her head at me as if to tell me she wouldn't tell my secret.

"It was sweet." I say honestly.


I hear JJ come home just as I did every day. I hear him set his keys on the table as always. I hear his footsteps coming closer as he approaches my brothers room.

He sets something on the bedside table next to me before climbing into the bed with me. I pulls me toward him so that I face him and the rest of the room. I see a big bouquet of flowers sitting on the table, pink and orange lilies.

He raises his hand, brushing hair out of my face. My eyes meet his. A small smile dances on his lips. I hadn't looked at him in weeks, I was so focused on trying to feel nothing.

"Hi, baby." He says to me.

"Hi." My voice comes out quiet and scratchy. I hadn't talked since the night my brother died. I knew what day it was, I had to give him something.

A light gasp escapes his lips in shock. "Do you know what day it is?" He whispers.

I nod slightly.

"Happy one year anniversary, baby." JJ tells me. He presses a soft kiss to my forehead.

I nod again, so he knows I meant it too.

"I love you so much."

I nod again, tears welling up in my eyes.

"You love me too?" JJ asks softly. I nod at him with more effort. "I know, baby." I could see tears in his own eyes. "I know you're sorry, Kat. I know you're working through it all in your head. It's okay. Take your time."

I nod again as he takes my hand.

"I'm going to go grab dinner, okay?" JJ informs me. "I love you, Katarina."

"I love you too." I breathe out, my voice could barely be heard.

JJ presses a soft kiss to my lips. "Thank you." He says. I know me saying anything meant a lot to him.


"I'm glad you guys are okay." Sarah tells me as we walk back toward the boat. "Anyone can see how much that boy adores you."

A smile forms on my lips. "I know."


"Well hey there, boys." I say as the three of us make our way back to the dock.

"What you talking about?" Sarah asks.

"Uh... Fishing." John B answers.

"'Uh... Fishing' is not very convincing, John B." I tell him.

"Dropping lures." JJ adds. "That's that, you know?"

"Right." I state sarcastically. "We brought grub."

"See guys, that's a dream girl right there." JJ smirks as he stands, taking the watermelon from me.

High Tide // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now