Chapter 21

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Sarah stands from her sitting position against the covered porch. "I'm gonna testify under oath, I was there. I just need to get a hold of my sister."

JJ looks at Pope in confusion. "Sister?" Pope just shakes his head in response.

"Kie, do you have your phone?" Kie holds out her phone for Sarah to take. "Wheezie is the only other person that knows Rafe wasn't home that day."

"Wheezie?" JJ questions.

"I don't know what else do to." Sarah continues. "I got us into this mess. I'm gonna do my best to get us out."

JJ scoffs besides me. "Wheezie? Yeah, that'll work. Well, she's right about one thing. We gotta do something. Our boy, is a P0-dub now, okay? He's held captive by the enemy right now, maybe even scheduled for execution. Are we just gonna sit here?" JJ grew angrier as he spoke.

"What's the plan? We kidnap Shoupe?" Kiara asks sarcastically.

"Maybe, like, that's not the worst idea actually."

"Oh it's not?" Kie challenges.


"That is actually the worst idea I've ever heard." Pope speaks up.

"It's pretty bad." Sarah agrees.

"You know what?" JJ spins around to look at the blonde girl. "Please just stay out of this. Okay, Pope, we've been doing everything your way, and how had that been working out?"

Pope stands from the chair he was sitting in. "Okay, okay, so what's your plan? You gonna storm a jail, gun a-blazing?"

"Look, Pope, all I'm trying to get you to understand is they got our boy. Are we just gonna sit here and do nothing? No! We're gonna go get his ass. We're gonna do something about it!

"JJ. We're not storming a jail. It's not happening."

"You know what? It's fine, man. Sit in your comfy chair. Do nothing. I'm gonna see what I can do. Make something happen, even if I have to do it by myself." JJ put the baseball cap he's been holding onto his head backwards.

"Are you guys listening to yourselves?" I finally speak up. I'd been sitting on the couch, just listening up until this point. "None of your ideas are even remotely helpful. Sarah, it's your word against your dad's and Rafe's. Who do they think they're gonna listen do, really? Probably not the girl presumed dead after running away with her wanted boyfriend. And Kiara, the sarcasm, the snide comments, all of it. It needs to stop right now, or god so help me I'm going to push you off the dock. And I swear if you try anything with Ward again I'm gonna scream. And JJ, I love that you're trying to help, I do, but all of your ideas are gonna get your ass in jail too for first degree aggravated kidnapping, or trespassing. However, he's right, Pope, what are you doing to help? 'Cause I sure as hell haven't heard any ideas from you."

Everyone just looks at me in silence. Confused looks on their faces. I had been so quiet and calm about it all up until this moment.

"That was..." Pope's voice trails as he thinks about what he's gonna say.

"Out of character." Kie finishes.

"Well, none of you are doing shit and I'm so tired of the arguing."

"Alright, I've got an idea." JJ announces, heading toward the door. "You coming, Kat?"

"Is this idea legal?"

"Ish." JJ shrugs.

"I'm in."


I climb into the back of JJ's dirt bike, wrapping my arms around his waist, and resting my head against his back.

"Ready?" JJ checks with me.

"Yeah, let's go."

JJ starts the bike, revving the engine. He pulls into the street, taking off down the long strip of road in front of us. He pats my hands around his waist before revving the engine again and speeding forward.

JJ pulls the bike in front of the Detention Center. He climbs off the vehicle before grabbing my hands and helping me off. I look over at him just as he takes a tooth pick out of his pocket and places it between his teeth. All I could think about was how good he looked right now.

He wore a white T-shirt with his jeans cuffed, revealing his dark boots he was wearing. He also had on a pair of dark shades and one of his many baseball caps with a pair of headphones over the top.

He glances at me. "What?" He asks with a small smile on his lips.

"Admiring the view." I say simply.

He steps towards me, smirking. "Oh yeah?"

"Absolutely." I look up at him through my lashes.

He shakes his head at me, continuing to smirk. He places his hands on my cheeks pulling me up to him. He slowly presses his lips to my own in a slow kiss.

"Alright, alright. Let's go, J." I say giggling.

He pulls away reluctantly before grabbing my hand and leading me to the front doors of the building. Two deputies step out of the building. JJ salutes them as we walk by but as soon as they're passed us he flips them off.

High Tide // JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now