Raditz vs Goku

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Goku stared up at his brother hovering some distance away, "I have always preferred a fair fight ... even for those who don't deserve it, so here." He said as he threw a sensu bean at Raditz which he unceremoniously blasted, "Like I will fall for your tricks you traitor." Goku kept his glare as he walked back to Piccolo with another bean in hand, the evil prince didn't seem too pleased as he turned away from the outstretched bean before glancing down at his now missing arm. 

Reluctantly, Piccolo turned back and opened his mouth as Goku dropped the bean, Raditz couldn't believe what happened next as his scouter suddenly registered the Namekians power level rising once again as with a sickening squelch his torso started to grow back. He had heard of the Namekian's regenerative abilities but there were not supposed to be anywhere at this level. Piccolo's arm burst out of his regenerating torso as he slowly pulled himself to his feet and started to stretch his arms.

"I thought I told you not to interfere," he said with a gruff as his eyes set on his opponent once more. "I didn't interfere with the fight, but I wasn't going to allow an execution." Piccolo just scoffed at him, "And the bean ... giving it to him would be troublesome, we can just kill him now," But Goku just glared at him before looking back at his brother, "We won't stoop to his level to have a shallow victory." Piccolo just scowled at that, Goku's pride was going to get someone killed one day.

"SO THAT CONSUMABLE IS A MEANS TO RESTORE YOUR ENERGY, interesting" Raditz shouted at them as he slowly descended cautiously. "Yea, so take it" Goku said as he threw another one at Raditz which he didn't blast to smithereens as he caught it and assessed it with his scouter. "You truly are an imbecile you know, giving me this," he started laughing loudly as the two z fighters watched him cautiously. He smirked at them before throwing the bean into his mouth, he felt his power rise almost immediately as his strength increased to be even greater than it was before, something that was not lost to Piccolo and Goku. "I wanted to fight you at your best, that way, when I beat you there could be no complaints." Raditz just laughed again, "Truly you are a fool, but no worries, if I can't retrieve my brother, your head should be fine enough."

Without warning Raditz charged again fist meeting fist with Goku's as a burst of air blew surrounding dust away. Piccolo just hummed before moving away as the two interlocked their fingers grunting as they pushed against each other, trying to overpower the other. "Come on Kakarot, give up now and bow before me and I might let your spawn live." The blank expression that Goku had been wearing broke as he pulled Raditz forward causing him to lose his guard before jumping up and catching with a knee to his chin that sent him reeling back.

"KAKAROT!!!"  he screamed as he charged back at his brother, the two clashed astonishing all the z fighters, they knew Goku had grown stronger in the time chamber but to be this strong ... was unbelievable. The two sped off before batting each other away with enough power that it sent shivers up their bones. "Is that,  really,  Goku?" Krillin asked not really believing what he was seeing, and neither could Master Roshi as he watched on silently. But for the others, this was just amazing, "THAT'S RIGHT GOKU, KICK HIS ASS!!!" Chi-Chi shouted towards the battlefield after looking at the screen. 

The boys could not keep up with the way that their dad and uncle were moving, they were so powerful. Piccolo watched the fight closely with his arms folded over his chest standing near the crater, he had slipped again ... if Goku hadn't been here it could have been curtains for him ... and that infuriated him, He briefed a glance at the pod in the crater where the two boys were being held before looking back on to the fight, they weren't his concern. 

Goku and Raditz's fists collided as Goku was matching him blow for blow, even somehow managing to dodge his tail when he threw it in, but this time Kakarot held it when he used it to attack and squeezed down ... Nothing happened and the small note of disappointment on Kakarot's face was enough to raise his spirits ever slightly, "WHAT, DISAPPOINTED, DID YOU REALLY THINK THAT LITTLE TRICK I USED ON YOUR SPAWN WOULD WORK ON ME, YOU OFFEND ME WITH YOUR IGNORANCE." 

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