The Aftermath Part 7

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The mood was still a bit tense on the plane as they made their way back home. Bulma sat beside Goku with Trunks, as Chi-Chi sat on the other side of him with Gohan in her arms.

As Trunks looked down, he still felt somewhat guilty about the battle, their dad had been forced to fight because they weren't strong enough to defend themselves, and it was still bothering the young boy. Krillin was piloting the plane, they hadn't talked much since they left the battlefield, but the atmosphere of dread still lingered, mixed with the sense of clouded victory. Goku was lying on a small frame bed from a capsule, passed out or sleeping, it was hard to tell. However, now and then, he would let out groans of pain from his wounds. Piccolo sat in a corner, his arm having regrown mostly, although he remained in a quiet meditative state, quietly keeping watch over the others.

Meanwhile, Trunks looked on beside his father, then glanced towards his brother Gohan and their mothers. He felt conflicted, he was relieved that they were safe, but something had been bothering him ever since the fight. While everyone had contributed something to the battle, he felt like he hadn't done anything at all.

He understood that he was young, but he had seen his brother charge towards their uncle and push him back, even though he didn't win, he had done something. And that bothered him because he felt like he hadn't been anything but another person to be saved. He clenched his fists slightly as he looked down at his injured and bruised father. He believed he could have done more and could have been a greater help. Seeing his dad show his strength made it clear that Trunks could be strong too, he just needed to try. He knew what he wanted to do. Even though he was young, he wanted to train and become strong, just like his dad on those adventures he spoke about going on with his mom. When they got back, he planned to ask his dad if he could train him.

So, he quietly sat down, feeling constrained in his thoughts. Bulma seemed to notice the change in the boy who was usually loud and ecstatic, now he sat quietly on the side. She thought it must have been because of the recent attack, because as normal as it was for her and Goku since they were kids, it wasn't for these two, but that wasn't entirely the case. She sat down next to Trunks, softly patting his head, reassuring him that everything would be fine as they flew towards the lookout.

As they arrived, Kami was waiting for them with Mr. Popo, Goku was immediately taken by Mr. Popo and rushed inside the lookout for better care. Piccolo stood watchfully from a distance as he watched him being told by the others about what had happened. Although Kami had seen it for himself from the lookout, hearing it from the horse's mouth had its advantages, and some seemed eager to share. Trunks stood in the background, watching closely. This was one of the guys who had trained his dad, what made him so strong? He looked like an old man, but if he was the one who helped his dad become so strong, then Trunks wanted to train with him too.

What he didn't know was that Piccolo had been watching Gohan closely. He had observed the boy's actions and the momentary power spike he displayed. he sensed his potential, and with enough training, he thought, he could become someone who could rival or even surpass Goku. It was rather odd, but he wanted to nurture this power, so that it could possibly be turned against Goku when the time came. Would he succeed?

Goku was rushed into a room by Mr Popo, and they immediately began the healing process. It was quiet, and as he started recovering, Goku thought about the events that had happened. He wished he could have been better prepared. He let himself become too careless, realizing that his mistakes and arrogance had almost got everyone killed. It was something he would have to revisit.

Deep somewhere in the Galaxy, Vegeta stood by, pondering. He stood by the door to Lord Frieza's chamber. He didn't know why he was there, wanting to ask for assistance? Or for protection?

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