One ~ "I'm A Ghost..."

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Y/n: "Why the hell am I at a park? Oh wait, I'm a ghost. I've got nowhere to go." I say sarcastically as I've been walking for a while. "I'll just sit down by this tree. Not like I have anywhere to go." I say and sigh before sitting next to a tree and hugging my knees because of the cold. As I'm sitting down, I start thinking about the only memories I have left, which is when and how I died.


Mom: "You stupid bitch!" My mom says to me as she kicks me as I'm crying my eyes out. "Stand up you stupid bitch!" She says and kicks me one last time before stopping. Then, I stand up very slowly while still crying. "Stop crying you bitch." She says and slaps me before yanking my head up to look at her. "Do you really think this is enough money to give me?!" She yells and I just stand there crying. "Answer me you bitch!"

Y/n: "N-no." I say and sob again.

Mom: "Exactly." She says and gives me a cold look before dragging me to the door and throws me on the porch leaving me on the ground outside. "Don't ever come back to this house unless you have a lot of money." She says and slams the door in my face. I then sob once more before standing up and walking to the cafe where I work. When I get to the cafe, I walk through the door soaking wet since it was raining, and I was still crying. When the door dings, I see my best friend Hyuna look at the door and see me.

Hyuna: "Oh my gosh! Y/n!" She says and grabs a towel before running to me. She then wraps it around me and hugs me before bringing me to a table. "Hey Chungha, can I have one hot chocolate pronto?"

Chungha: "Sure. I'll hurry!" Chungha answers her and goes to make the hot chocolate while Hyuna sits down next to me.

Hyuna: "Is it your family again?" She asks me softly as she helps me dry off.

Y/n: "I-it's-" I say before crying so hard again I can't speak.

Hyuna: "I'm so sorry." She says and hugs me again before helping me dry off again. A few minutes of her helping me dry off, I see Chungha come over with the hot chocolate.

Chungha: "Here's the hot chocolate." She says and sets it in front of me. I then see what she's doing and look at her shocked.

Y/n: "Ch-Chungha, I can't-"

Chungha: "It's okay. Don't worry about the charge. It's on the house tonight." She says as she sits in front of me as well.

Y/n: "Th-thank you." I say as I take a drink of the hot chocolate, feeling the warmth go through my body. I finally stop crying after a few minutes.

Hyuna: "So, did your family hit you again?"

Y/n: "Yeah." I say as I look down and set the cup down too. "It was only my mom though since my dad and siblings weren't at home."

Chungha: "So how long are you going to deal with this? Your family can't hit you forever."

Y/n: "Until I get into college." I say taking another sip.

Hyuna: "But that's still another 3 years! You can't get beat every day for another 3 years!"

Y/n: "There's nothing I can do. I have to deal with it."

Hyuna: "You can move in with either me or Chungha. Anything to get you out of that hell hole."

Y/n: "I can't, and you know it. I have to bring money for them every day." I say and take another drink and as I'm getting a drink, I see the door open and a customer walks in.

Chungha: "Ah! Annyeonghaseyo! I'll take your order!" She says and runs up to the cash register to take the customer's order.

Y/n: "Well I'm gonna go. I'll probably go to a park or something and spend the night there or something." I say as I stand up and take the towel off of me.

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