Five [Peniel Ending] ~ "You Stole My Heart, But I'll Let You Keep It."

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A few days later:

Y/n: I was just in my room doing absolutely nothing when Hyuna all of a sudden came in.

Hyuna: "Hey Y/n, you got a letter." She says as she comes and sits next to me on my bed.

Y/n: "Who's it from?" I ask as I take the letter from her hand and look at it.

Hyuna: "I don't know. It doesn't say. Just open it and see what it is." She says and I open the letter and see a little bit of writing.

The letter:
Meet me in the park at 8 pm.
- Anonymous

Hyuna: "Anonymous? I wouldn't go. It might be someone trying to lure you there to kidnap you." She says as she sees me get up and get ready since it's 7:00 pm.

Y/n: "It can't be that bad unnie. If I start getting a bad feeling, I'll just bail on the person." I say as I'm getting a pair of clothes together.

Hyuna: "Do you promise me that?" She asks me to make sure I'm not just saying it.

Y/n: "I promise." I say as I hold up two pairs of shoes and she picks between the two.

Hyuna: "But what if it's one of your family members?" She asks me as I put the other pair down.

Y/n: "They're arrested. It's not going to be." I say as I go to the bathroom to change. After I finish changing, I come out and show Hyuna my outfit. "What do you think?" I ask her as I show her.

Hyuna: "I like it. It's cute."

Y/n: "I know right."

The outfit:

Y/n: "Well I better go unnie

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Y/n: "Well I better go unnie." I say as I grab my phone and hug her.

Hyuna: She then sighs as she hugs me. "Just be safe, okay? If you're kidnapped, the next time I see you, I'm killing you." She says and looks at me and laughs.

Y/n: "Okay unnie." I say and laugh too. "Well, bye unnie! I'll see you later." I say and get up to go to the park.

Hyuna: "Bye Y/n-ah." She says and I go on my way to the park.

At the park:

Y/n: When I get to the park, I saw a million flower petals on the ground making a pathway. I look around confused, but I didn't see anyone. Since I was so confused, I decided to follow the path of the petals and I was walking for a minute until the pathway stopped. I looked up and I saw a huge sign hanging up attached to two trees.

The sign:
Will you be my girlfriend Y/n?

Y/n: "From Peniel?" I say and look around confused. When I look behind me, I see Peniel...holding a bag? "P-Peniel?" I ask him shocked as he walks to me, and he hands me the bag.

Peniel: "Happy birthday Y/n." He says and hands me the bag. I then take it confused and he gestures for me to open it. I then open it slowly and see some of my favorite things, chocolate, a stuffed bear, and even a necklace with a P on it.

Y/n: "T-these are some of my favorite things." I say looking at him confused.

Peniel: "Yeah. Happy birthday. W-well, um, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me, looking at me with love in his eyes. I then blush a little and look down for a moment before looking back at him.

Y/n: "O-of course Donggeuni." I say and smile before hugging him. I then feel him hug me back and kiss my forehead once before letting go.

Peniel: "Can I see the necklace real quick?" He asks me and I nod before getting the box out of the bag. I then hand the box to him, and I see him take the necklace out before going behind me and putting it on my neck. I then turn around to look at him while smiling before kissing him for a minute.

Y/n: "How did you do all of this?" I ask him as I look at the flower petals and the sign.

Peniel: "The guys helped me. Me, Ilhoon, Hyunsik hyung, and Sungjae did the petals while Eunkwang hyung, Changsub hyung, and Minhyuk hyung did the banner. Do you like it?" He asks me worried I don't like it.

Y/n: I then chuckle before answering him. "No. No. I love it. I was just curious. Honestly, I really stole your heart, didn't I?" I say and chuckle again.

Peniel: He then chuckles too before speaking again. "You stole my heart, but I'll let you keep it."

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