Four ~ "Meet Me In The Park At 8 pm."

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Minhyuk: "You don't remember us?" One of the younger looking ones ask me.

Y/n: "No I don't." I say confused. "Who are you guys?"

Eunkwang: "We're the BTOB members. You really don't remember us?" He asks kind of sad.

Y/n: "BTOB? No, I don't." I say still confused. Should I remember them? I guess I still haven't gotten all my memories back.

Eunkwang: "Oh nevermind. We'll just leave you. Have a good day." He says and they all walk away.

Y/n: 💭What the–? 💭 I ask myself before I started feeling pain in my head. "Ahhh! Why does my head hurt?!" I say before I fall right next to the tree next to me. I then barely see the guys look back at me and when they see me in pain, they all run back to me.

Minhyuk: "Y/n-ah, is everything okay?" One of the younger looking ones ask me as he kneels down to make sure I'm okay.

Y/n: "Ahhh! My head!" I pretty much scream out before memories started coming back.


Peniel: "Miss? Excuse me? Miss?" I hear someone say as I end the flashback and return to the normal world.

Y/n: "H-huh?" I say confused and scared as I see seven unknown guys in front of me.

Peniel: "Is everything alright? You look cold. And why are you just sitting here under a tree at 10 pm? It's dangerous to be outside alone at this hour."

Y/n: "A-ah. I don't have anywhere to live. But w-who are you guys?" I say kind of scared and curious as to how they can see me.

Peniel: "Ah, sorry. I'm Peniel."

Minhyuk: "Hi, I'm Minhyuk."

Eunkwang: "I'm Eunkwang."

Ilhoon: "I'm Ilhoon."

Sungjae: "Hello, I'm Sungjae."

Hyunsik: "Nice to meet you. I'm Hyunsik."

Changsub: "And I'm Changsub."

End of flashback:

Y/n: That's when I realized who they were. My memories just came back out of nowhere. As soon as the flashback ended and I immediately knew who they were, I immediately started apologizing to them. "I'm so sorry for not remembering you guys! Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, happy birthday Peniel."

Peniel: "Thanks! You remember my name and my birthday!"

Y/n: "My memories just came back to me now. I'm so sorry for not remembering you guys." I say and Minhyuk helps pull me up and after I'm stood up, he hugs me from the side.

Minhyuk: "It's okay. You remember us now." He says as he smiles at me.

Changsub: "Group hug guys!" He says and they all hug me tightly.

Y/n: "Uh guys, I c-can't breathe." I say and they immediately let go of the hug.

BTOB: "Sorry Y/n-ah." They say and laugh a little.

Ilhoon: "So uh any updates on ghost life?"

Y/n: "Yeah." I say and they all look at me curiously. "I'm not a ghost anymore!" I say and hug the first person next to me, which is Hyunsik.

Hyunsik: "You're not a ghost anymore?! What?!"

Y/n: "Well actually I never was one, but whatever. You get it." As soon as I said that they all look at me shocked and confused.

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