Two ~ "Mom?"

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Y/n: "Fine. But only if you answer one question."

Peniel: "Okay. What's the question?"

Y/n: "H-how can y'all see me?" I ask kind of hesitating.

Hyunsik: "Huh?" The Hyunsik guy asks confused as he looks at the guys next to him before looking back at me.

Eunkwang: "What do you mean?" He asks confused as well.

Y/n: "N-nevermind. You wouldn't believe me if I said it." I say trying to make them forget about the question.

Peniel: "No no. We'll believe you. What is it?"

Y/n: I then breathe in and out once before telling it to them. "I'm a ghost." I say and look at them regretting saying that. I then see them all look at me...shocked? I don't really know.

Ilhoon: "Y-yah, what kind of joke is that?"

Y/n: "I knew it. Y'all wouldn't believe me." I say and look at my knees again and hug them because of the cold again.

Minhyuk: "N-no no, we believe you, or some of us at least. Um, it's freezing out here and we don't need any of us getting sick. How about you come with us and explain everything at our house? Even if you are a ghost, you can still get sick."

Y/n: "Are you still sure? You're probably scared of me if anything."

Sungjae: "Actually not really. You're not that scary." He says to me assuring that I really am not.

Y/n: "Okay. Fine." I say and sigh before standing up. When I'm fully stood up, I cross my arms over each other and shake a little since it's so cold. Then I see the Minhyuk guy take off one of his jackets since he's wearing a couple layers. I look at him confused before I see him walk towards me and put the jacket on me. "Y-yah, this is yours. I can't–"

Minhyuk: "It's okay. I've got a few layers and you've got nothing. You'll get sick if you stay without one." He says and I finally just let him put it on me.

Eunkwang: "Well, let's go get warm!" The Eunkwang guy says and runs off with the other guys. Minhyuk and Peniel walk next to me so I don't end up walking alone. As we're walking, we're not really saying much since I'm just watching the guys play with each other in front of us.

Minhyuk: "Everything okay? You're really quiet."

Y/n: "A-ah. Yeah. I've always been a quiet person. I'm also just thinking. Sorry." I say and look down as we're walking.

Peniel: "It's not because you feel uncomfortable, is it?" He asks me a little worried, hoping they aren't making me uncomfortable.

Y/n: "No. I'm not uncomfortable. Actually, this is probably the happiest I've ever been."

Minhyuk: "What do you mean by that?" He asks me kind of curious.

Y/n: "Well, actually, my parents and siblings used to abuse me everyday, I only had 2 friends, and I was always an outsider at school. It's just like no one wanted to be with me because I was a bad person, but I really wasn't. When I saw you guys in front of me, I was kinda scared since I didn't really understand how you guys could see me, but after y'all kept talking to me softly and saying y'all were nice people, I kind of figured that I might have actually found friends."

Hyunsik: "You had a pretty rough life, didn't you?" The Hyunsik guy asks me from in front of me.

Y/n: "Yeah, a little." I say and realize who asked me that. "Wait, you guys were listening?" I say kind of shocked as I thought they were playing with each other.

Sungjae: "We got curious after you said this is the happiest you've ever been."

Peniel: "We're just glad you found friends. You may be a ghost, but just know you can always trust us." He says and hugs me from the side.

Eunkwang: "Yeah. We'll be here if you need us."

Y/n: I then smile and look down again. "So how long until we're at y'all's house?" I ask as I look up again.

Changsub: "About 5 minutes."

Y/n: "Ahh." I say as I nod my head understanding him. We were then walking in silence for another 2 minutes or so before my head started hurting a little. "Ahh. My head." I say as I hold it for a second as I stop walking.

Ilhoon: "Are you okay?" He asks me as he stops walking to look at me.

Y/n: "M-my head. It hurts. Really badly." I say and see Minhyuk kneel down in front of me to look at my face. "I feel so dizzy and I don't know what all."

Minhyuk: I then feel him hold one of my hands to help calm me down. "Here. Sit down by this tree for a minute. Let's wait for the dizziness to go away." He says and stands up and helps me go by the tree and I sit down. "We'll wait here until the dizziness goes away, okay?" He asks me softly. Instead of answering, I just nod my head while still holding it.

Sungjae: "So what caused it to hurt so bad out of nowhere?"

Y/n: "I-I don't–" I say and cut myself off as some memories started coming back.


Shinhye: "Yah! Mom has cancer because of you!" My older sister says as she kicked me again.

Y/n: "How is it my fault she has cancer?!" I ask and sob as she keeps kicking me.

Shinhye: "It just is! Now get out of my sight you bitch!" She says and kicks me one more time before going to her room. I groan in pain for a minute before finally getting the strength to get up myself. As soon as I get up, I slowly make my way to my room and sit next to my bed crying.

End of flashback:

Y/n: As soon as the flashback ended, I shake my head to stop myself from zoning out longer and look at the guys, while my hand is still on my head.

Ilhoon: "What happened?" He asks me as he sees I'm not zoned out anymore.

Y/n: I then shake my head, take my hand off of my head, and stand up at the same time. "It's nothing important." I say and lean against the tree as I'm stood up.

Changsub: "Are you sure?" He asks me worried.

Y/n: "Yeah." I say and look around for a minute. I just glance around an area and look away until I quickly look back and see people looking at something. Since I keep looking at one area for a long time, the boys get curious and look where I'm looking.

Hyunsik: "Who are you looking at?" He asks me confused.

Y/n: "I don't know." I say and look a little longer. "Hey guys, I'll be back." I say and go to a tree closer to the people and hide behind it. A few seconds later a hear the guys do the same. Then, I feel something on the back of my head, meaning one of the guys just slapped the back of my head.

Ilhoon: "You dumbo! They aren't going to see you if your a ghost!" He whisper yells to me after he slaps the back of my head.

Y/n: "Hey, I'm not taking any chances! You guys can see me, so maybe they can too!" I whisper yell to him back and continue to watch the people.

Peniel: "So do you know them?" He whispers to me curious and confused.

Y/n: "That's what I'm trying to figure out." I whisper as I continue watching.

???: "You stupid bitch. You really want us to believe your dead?" Then I see her and another girl and two boys scoff.

???: "That stupid bitch." The youngest male says.

Y/n: That's when I realize who the first woman I saw was. "Mom?"

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