Five [Minhyuk Ending] ~ "I Didn't Choose You. My Heart Did."

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A few days later:

Y/n: I was just in my room doing absolutely nothing when Hyuna all of a sudden came in.

Hyuna: "Hey Y/n, you got a letter." She says as she comes and sits next to me on my bed.

Y/n: "Who's it from?" I ask as I take the letter from her hand and look at it.

Hyuna: "I don't know. It doesn't say. Just open it and see what it is." She says and I open the letter and see a little bit of writing.

The letter:
                      Meet me in the park at 8 pm.
                                                                       - Anonymous

Hyuna: "Anonymous? I wouldn't go. It might be someone trying to lure you there to kidnap you." She says as she sees me get up and get ready since it's 7:00 pm.

Y/n: "It can't be that bad unnie. If I start getting a bad feeling, I'll just bail on the person." I say as I'm getting a pair of clothes together.

Hyuna: "Do you promise me that?" She asks me to make sure I'm not just saying it.

Y/n: "I promise." I say as I hold up two pairs of shoes and she picks between the two.

Hyuna: "But what if it's one of your family members?" She asks me as I put the other pair down.

Y/n: "They're arrested. It's not going to be." I say as I go to the bathroom to change. After I finish changing, I come out and show Hyuna my outfit. "What do you think?" I ask her as I show her.

Hyuna: "I like it. Sweaters are definitely for you."

Y/n: "I know. They're cute."

The outfit:

Exclude the bag

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Exclude the bag.

Y/n: "Well I better go unnie." I say as I grab my phone and hug her.

Hyuna: She then sighs as she hugs me. "Just be safe, okay? If you're kidnapped, the next time I see you, I'm killing you." She says and looks at me and laughs.

Y/n: "Okay unnie." I say and laugh too. "Well, bye unnie! I'll see you later!" I say and get up to go to the park.

Hyuna: "Bye Y/n-ah." She says and I go on my way to the park.

At the park:

Y/n: When I get to the park, I see some guy standing next to a tree, but I can't tell who it is since his back is to me. 💭Please don't be a kidnapper. 💭 I say in my mind and slowly walk to the person. When I get closer, I see that it's actually Minhyuk. "Minhyuk-ah?" I say as soon as I know it's him. He then looks at me before smiling.

Minhyuk: "Hey Y/n-ah." He says as he looks at me and smiles.

Y/n: "You sent me that letter?" I ask him kind of shocked but with a smile on my face. I then see him nod before speaking.

Minhyuk: "I have something I wanted to ask you." He says as he looks down nervously before looking back at me.

Y/n: "What is it? And why are you so nervous?" I ask him a little worried since he's never been so nervous talking to me before.

Minhyuk: "U-um" he says before he breathes in and out once before speaking. "I love you. So much." He says as he grabs my hand and holds it. "If you don't want to be with me, I totally accept that. I just wanted you to know how I feel about you." He says as he looks at me with love in his eyes.

Y/n: I then look at him with another smile on my face as I chuckle a little as I speak. "Is this your way of asking me to be your girlfriend?" I ask him as I move my hand from his to move my hair out of my face.

Minhyuk: "Maybe." He says as he chuckles a little after. "But I completely understand if-" He starts speaking again, but instead of letting him finish, I cut off his words by kissing him. I then pull away after a minute and I see him looking at me shocked. "H-huh?" He asks completely shocked.

Y/n: I then chuckle before speaking. "Of course, I'll be your girlfriend Minhyuk-ah." He then looks at me shocked again before speaking.

Minhyuk: "Really?!" He asks me and I just nod while smiling. After he knows that I'm serious, he runs to me, picks me up, and kisses me while spinning us around. After a few seconds, we pull apart and he sets me down. "I love you." He says as he puts one side of my hair behind my ear.

Y/n: "I love you too." I say as I hug him and rest my head on his chest. I feel him immediately hug me back after. "You know, there's a lot of girls in this world who would love to date you. I kind of don't get why you chose me honestly." I say as my head's resting on his chest.

Minhyuk: "There may be other girls that like me in this world, but I only love you. You're unique in your own way and I love that about you." He says while in the hug.

Y/n: "Just, thank you for choosing me instead of other girls." I say to him in the hug meaning I'm glad he likes me back.

Minhyuk: "I didn't choose you. My heart did."

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