Five [Sungjae Ending] ~ "Only You Can Give Me That Feeling."

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A few days later:

Y/n: I was just in my room doing absolutely nothing when Hyuna all of a sudden came in.

Hyuna: "Hey Y/n, you got a letter." She says as she comes and sits next to me on my bed.

Y/n: "Who's it from?" I ask as I take the letter from her hand and look at it.

Hyuna: "I don't know. It doesn't say. Just open it and see what it is." She says and I open the letter and see a little bit of writing.

The letter:
                     Meet me in the park at 8 pm.
                                                                       - Anonymous

Hyuna: "Anonymous? I wouldn't go. It might be someone trying to lure you there to kidnap you." She says as she sees me get up and get ready since it's 7:00 pm.

Y/n: "It can't be that bad unnie. If I start getting a bad feeling, I'll just bail on the person." I say as I'm getting a pair of clothes together.

Hyuna: "Do you promise me that?" She asks me to make sure I'm not just saying it.

Y/n: "I promise." I say as I hold up two pairs of shoes and she picks between the two.

Hyuna: "But what if it's one of your family members?" She asks me as I put the other pair down.

Y/n: "They're arrested. It's not going to be." I say as I go to the bathroom to change. After I finish changing, I come out and show Hyuna my outfit. "What do you think?" I ask her as I show her.

Hyuna: "I like it. It's cute."

Y/n: "I know right."

The outfit:

Y/n: "Well I better go unnie

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Y/n: "Well I better go unnie." I say as I grab my phone and hug her.

Hyuna: She then sighs as she hugs me. "Just be safe, okay? If you're kidnapped, the next time I see you, I'm killing you." She says and looks at me and laughs.

Y/n: "Okay unnie." I say and laugh too. "Well, bye unnie! I'll see you later!" I say and get up to go to the park.

Hyuna: "Bye Y/n-ah." She says and I go on my way to the park.

At the park:

Y/n: When I get to the park, I don't really know what I was expecting, but I saw Sungjae standing by a tree? I then walk over to him kind of confused. "Sungjae-shi." I say to him and I see him look at me before smiling.

Sungjae: "Hi noona!" He says as he has something behind his back.

Y/n: "I'm guessing it was you that sent me that letter." I say and chuckle and I see him do the same while nodding. "So, why did you want to meet?" I ask him and I see him get a little nervous.

Sungjae: "Um, I have a question."

Y/n: "Okay. What is it?"

Sungjae: "I know I'm younger than you so I get it if you don't want to, but noona, will you be my girlfriend?" He says as he shuts his eyes and holds out a bouquet of roses to me. I then chuckle because of his actions which makes him open his eyes to see what I'm chuckling at.

Y/n: "Of course Sungjae." I say and chuckle while taking the flowers.

Sungjae: "Wait, really?!" He says kind of shocked by my answer. I then just nod to him while chuckling, and a second later I see him run up to me and hug me. "Thank you noona!" He says and I chuckle while he hugs me. A few seconds after that, I see him look at me before kissing me softly and full of love. Then, we let go and we hug each other again. I just lay my head on his chest, and he plays with my hair for a minute before I hear him speak again. "You don't know how much my heart races when I'm around you, but only you can give me that feeling."

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