Part one

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My alarm goes off and fills my room with a loud beeping noise. I groan and roll over, I press the button on the top and the beeping stops. My softball team is playing a championship game today. It's for the state championship. I'm on a team called the Dingers. They also had a baseball team too.

I roll out of bed and start changing into my uniform. I'm gonna take a shower after the game. I live in a really rich neighborhood and my parents are very busy people.

I finish changing and start packing my stuff into my bag. I've become friends with a girl named Jayla and she lives right next to me but I haven't met any of her family yet. We clicked as soon as we met and we've become really good friends over this past week. I invited her to my game today.

Jay Bae

Hey you coming?

Ofc, wouldn't miss it
for the world.

Alright see you in
a few

I shove my phone into my bag and finish packing. I pick up my softball bag and carry it downstairs. "Hey Honey! Your dad and I have to work today but I'll drop you off." My mom says. I give her a smile and grab a granola bar from the fridge. "Sounds good." I say.

You pick up your bag and take it out to the car. You put it in the trunk and get in. Your mom walks out and gets in too. You flip down the mirror and put your eyeblack on while your mom starts to drive.

You get to the field and see Jayla sitting on the bleachers with her family. "OMG HEY ELORA!" She says and runs over to you and gives you a hug. " HEYYY!" You say giving back the same energy. She takes you over to her family. "This is Jessica and DJ, my parents." They flash a smile. "This is Javon." She says. He holds out his hand. "Call me Wanna." He says as you shake it. "This is his twin Jaden." She says. He flashes a smile, oh God, his dimples. His smile melts your heart. He puts his hand out for you to shake. Hes wearing a dingers shirt, he must be on the baseball team.. You shake it and flash him a smile. "And this... is Daelo my little brother." She says. A little boy runs up and hugs you. "Hey daelo!" You say. He giggles and sits back down.

You tell them you better get going and you walk to the dugout. You out your stuff down and grab your stuff and start warming up.

You've been playing softball since forever. You're a pitcher and you've been pitching since you started softball. So you're super good. You warm up since you're fielding first.

Half an hour later, the game starts. You walk up the mound and start pitching. You strike the second girl out in a row. The third girl comes up to bat and she hits on to Short stop and gets thrown out. You can hear Jayla and her family cheering you on.

You're the batter at the top of the lineup so you're up first. You go up to the plate. She throws a fastball right at your ribs. You ain't no pussy so you take it. You hear it thump and you hear the hollowness of your ribs chest.

(if you play softball yk what I'm talking about right?)

You hear a "Ooooo." From the crowd and throw your bat and run to first. There is definitely going to be a huge bruise there. You feel like being a baddie so you decide to steal second🤪

As soon as the ball leaves her hand you run to second base. You're really fast so ofc you get there in time. You're the only one on base right now and the girl up to bat has 1 strike and 1 ball. She hits a grounder in between 2nd and Short stop and it rolls to Center field. You run to third and you decide to run home too. It's gonna be close. You headfirst dive into home plate in between the catchers legs. The catcher tags you but you're already safe. "SAFE." The umpire yells.   Everyone cheers. The catcher stomps on your forearm with her metal cleats. You let out a yelp. You feel the metal spikes pop through your skin. "Whoops." She says and giggles. She gets off and you stand up. Blood starts dripping down your arm. and dripping on the ground.

You walk to the dugout and sit on the bench. Blood drips down your arm and smears on your uniform. "Woah you good?" Ashley asks. (I'm just naming random teammates.) "Yeah I ain't no pussy." You say. Truth is, it hurt. Like a bitch.

Your team scores 6 runs. Your coach walks in the dugout. "Alright, Elora, You're catching. You're not pitching with a hurt arm." She says. You nod. Pitching and catching are your favorite.

You gear up and walk onto the field. Blood is trickling down your arm. It's not bleeding as heavily as it was. Dixie throws some warmup pitches and then the ump calls the batter up. She steps in the box. It's the catcher that stomped on your arm. Dixie gets two strikes on her and then she hits a grounder to center field. She makes it to second base and the ball gets thrown in the the pitcher.

Dixie strikes out a girl and the next girl hits a grounder to right field. The catcher rounds 3rd and starts to go home. You get the ball and dive after her legs. Her cleat digs into your side and you feel it pop through your skin again.  This bitch. "OUT" The ump yells. The girl gets up and storms off. There are holes in your jersey and holes in your side too. Blood seeps through your jersey and drips down your side.

You're a mess.

Baseball boy <3 || Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now