part five

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(we doing a quirky🤪💅 time skip bc we quirky like that.)


four months went by and you and the Walton's were inseparable. You practically lived at their house. Your parents became friends with them too. You caught feelings for Jaden but you didn't want to ruin the relationship and makes things awkward af.

Your mom drove you to the Walton's house bc it was storming really bad. You pulled up into the driveway and got out. You ran to the porch but you still got soaking wet.

You knock on the door and hear footsteps coming towards the door. Javon opens the door. "Hey loser." He says. You laugh and shove him out of the way.

You run upstairs to Jaden's room. You open the door and see him on live. "Heyyyy J." You say and smile. "OH MY GOD ELORAAA." He says and runs up and hugs you tight. "EWWW YOU'RE SOAKING WET!" He yells. You start laughing. "There's a whole closet of dry clothes. " He says and chuckles. you pull away and get a hoodie and some sweats from his closet and change in his bathroom.

You walk out and see him still on live. You walk up behind Jaden and ruffle his hair. He chuckles and keeps reading comments. "I ship them... same." He says. You freeze and looks at him. He turns around and looks at you. "What? I do." He says. "I do too." You say. He smiles and keeps reading comments and stuff.

You go sit in his gaming chair and watch tiktoks. He ends the live a little later and walks up behind you. He hugs around your shoulders and puts his chin in the top of your head. "Hey El. I need to tell you something." He says. You spin around in the chair,, You look up at him. "Yeah ofc." You say. He sighs. "Look, we've known eachother for a while, and we've gotten so close... closer than I've ever been with someone. And you're the most beautiful and talented girl I've ever met. And I like you, no, I love you. And it's okay if you don't feel the same, but just know that I love you more than anything." He says. You start smiling. "I love you too J. You're my favorite person in the whole entire world." You say and grab his face.

He leans in and so do you. Your lips connect and you can feel him smirking. You're internally screaming rn. You pull away. "Elora, will you be my girlfriend?" He asks. "No." You say. His face DROPS. You start laughing. "Jk stupid bitch. Ofc." You say. His face lights up and the biggest smile appears on his face. THOSE GAH DAM DIMPLES. "I love you El." He says. "I love you too J." You say.

"Are we gonna tell everyone?" You ask him. "Yeah let's go tell my family and then I'll go live and tell everyone." He says. You both walk downstairs and see everyone sitting in the living room. "Ok guys. We have something to tell you." You say. They all look at you. "We're dating." Jaden says. They all get up and start yelling. "I KNEW IT. JAVON YOU OWE ME 20 BUCKS!" Jayla yells while jumping around. Jessica and DJ come and hug you.  "We knew you guys would get together." Jessica says.

After that, you go to his room. He starts the live and waits until lots of people join. "Alright guys, I have some really big news." He says. The comments explode with anticipation. "Me and Elora are dating." He says. The comments EXPLODE. He answers some and then ends the live.

"Eloraaaaaa" Jaden says. "Jadennnnn." You say giving back the same energy. "Let's watch a movie." He says. "Okie dokie."  He climbs in the bed and gets under the blankets. You're still standing in the middle of his room. He looks at you and smirks while opening the blanket. You smile and do a little happy dance and jump in the opening. He chuckles and picks a movie. You lay on his chest whole his arms wrap around you and hold you tight. You eventually drift off to sleep.

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