part six

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You wake up the next morning, Jaden is gently rubbing your back. You look up at him. He smiles down at you. "Goodmorning sleepy head." He says softly with a chuckle. "Shut yo bitch ass up J." You say and get up. Jaden gets up too and you guys walk downstairs. You make a bowl of cereal and eat it with Jaden.

You go back up to your room and grab your phone. You sit down on his gaming chair and check your phone.

You have a text message from your mom.


Hey, me and your dad
think it would be best
if we parted ways.
I'm leaving and
moving to California
and your dad is staying here.
I'm coming to pick you up
so I can say bye and stuff.
I hope you understand.
Love, mom.


Yoy slowly stand up while re-reading the message to make sure you read it right. As soon as you make sure, you run downstairs and run out the door. Your mom is waiting for you. You slowly walk to the car. Jaden grabs your arm and spins you around. "Hey where you going?" He asks while he has a concerned look on his face. "I'll text you." You say and turn around and walk to the car.

You get in and your mom backs out of the driveway. "Why." You say sternly. "You have to understand-" "UNDERSTAND WHAT?! YOU GUYS WERE FINE!" You yell while she drives. "WE AREN'T GOOD FOR EACHOTHER!!! I HATE THIS FAMILY. IM GOING TO CALI TO START OVER!!!" She screams. "WHAT?!" You scream back. You keep screaming at eachother. Your mom is speeding up bit she doesn't notice. She looks over and starts screaming. She doesn't see the car running the stop sign.

In an instant, the cars collide and you start to roll. It almost seems to happen in slow motion. The windows bust. You hit your head on the dash and blood pours down your face. The car stops rolling. You're hanging upside down, suspended by a seat belt. You don't know what's happening. You just hang there, your mind completely blank. You're in shock.

You look over and see your mom passed out. You don't notice the sharp pain in your ribs or that your ankle was broken. Your mind was blank. After a few minutes, the door is pryed open and gloved hands drag you out of the car. Blue and red lights flashing in your eyes. You see a familiar face. Jaden. He's crying and panicking with his family behind the boundaries of the police. DJ is hugging him while he sobs.

They put you on a stretcher and lift you into the ambulance.


She just left? She told me she would text me. I go back inside and sit on the couch for a few minutes. All of a sudden, I hear sirens go off. "Mommy what's that?" Daelo asks. "I'm not sure. Let's drive past and see." She says. Everyone gets in the car. I'm sitting in the middle row with Javon. We drive a block or two and see a lot of police and two ambulances. We stop the car and get out. We walk around them and see a car flipped upside down. "Wait... I know that-" "Isn't that Elora's car?" Jayla says cutting me off.     


I try to run forward but Javon grabs me. I start panicking and crying. I see the medics pry the door open. They drag a body out. Her body. Blood covers her face and her ankle is obviously broken. They put her body on a stretcher and lift her into the ambulance. They drag me back to the car. We start driving to the hospital.

Your Pov

You don't really remember what happened . at some point on the way to the hospital, you passed out. And you woke up in a hospital bed. Your foot is in a cast and your head hurts, really bad. You start looking around and a doctor walks in. "Hey, How are you feeling?" He asks. "My head hurts, but I'm good." You say and flash a smile. "Good, your mom is okay. She's already home. There are some people here to see you." He says. "Ok." You say. He walks out and a few seconds later Jaden rubs in the room and collapses next to you. He wraps his arms around you and starts crying.

You feel so bad. You grab his chin and lift it up. His eyes are red and puffy and his hair is a mess. "I-I thought I l-lost you." He says through sobs. You start crying too. "I'm right here dummy." You say. He chuckles and hugs you again. Everyone else bursts in the room. Wanna, Daelo, and Jayla come and hug you too. Jess and DJ come and hug you after.

Jaden sits in the chair next to your bed and holds your hand while he strokes your hair. "What happened?" Wanna asks. You explained what happened to them. "I'm so sorry." Jess says and hugs you. "it's okay. I'm just gonna stay here with my dad." You say and give a convincing smile.

"How are you feeling?" Jaden asks. "My head hurts a lot and my ankle is starting to hurt." You say. The doctor walks in. "You're free to go!" He says. You smile and thank him. He walks out of the room. "I don't wanna go home." You say as tears well up in your eyes at the thought of the situation. "No ma it's ok. You can come to my house." Jaden says with a smile. "Ok." You say and give him a faint smile.

Baseball boy <3 || Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now