Part two

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You end up winning the game 14-3.
You pack up your stuff in the dugout. There are blood stains in your jersey and blood dripping down your arm. You finish packing up your stuff and walk out of the dugout to see Jayla and her family.

"Hey Elora, do you wanna sleep over. I already asked your parents and they said it was fine." Jayla said. "Yeah ofc." You say. "But uh... I might have to borrow some clothes and stuff and clean up all this blood." You say. "I'll help you." Jaden says. "okay." You say and flash a little smile. Your arm and side sting so bad. "Here lemme carry this." Jaden says and takes your bag from you. "Thanks." You say to him. He flashes a smile. You get in the back with Wanna while Jaden puts your stuff in the trunk. He gets in and sits next to you and Wanna. You drive to their house and walk in.

It's huge and so beautiful. Jaden grabs your hand. "Let's get you cleaned up." He says and chuckles while taking you upstairs to his bathroom. He brings you in his bathroom and grabs your waist and lifts you up onto the counter. He digs around under the counter for some stuff and sets it on the counter beside you. "Alright." He says and gently grabs your arm. He has a cotton pad with alcohol on it to clean the blood. He cleans up the trail of blood and comes to the gashes in your arm. "This might sting a little. " He says.

He dabs the cotton pad on the gash and you take a sharp inhale and hiss. "Sorry." He says. "No it's okay." You say. He finishes up your arm and puts some ointment on it and wraps it up in bandages. He grabs your shirt . "Can I take this off to see the other cuts?" He asks. What a gentleman. You nod and flash a smile.  He untucks your shirt from your pants and lifts it up over your head and off of your body. You're in a black sports bra. "That's a nasty gash." He says and examines it. He gets another cotton pad ready.

"Alright, this is gonna hurt like a bitch." He says and chuckles. "It already does." You say and giggle. He cleans up the trail of blood and starts dabbing the gash. You hiss and kick the counter. "FUCK!" You yell. Jaden starts laughing. "Not funny. It hurts." You say. "Sorry, sorry." He says. He finishes up and bandages your side. You hop off the counter and grab your shirt.

You turn back to Jaden and kiss his cheek and hug him. "Thanks J." You say. He seems a little bit stunned but hugs back and kisses your head. "Of course El." He says. You pull away and walk out of the bathroom. "Love you J byeeeeeee." You say dragging out the bye. You hear him laugh and you run back to the bathroom. "No Love you back?" You say. "Love you too El." He says and smiles. You giggle and run out of his room and go to Jayla's room.

You walk in and go to her closer and find some clothes. She's literally your best friend so she doesn't care. You grab a cropped tank top and some plaid pajama shorts and change clothes while she watches tiktok. "So you and Jaden?! I ship." She says and wiggles her eyebrows. I laugh. "He's really cute and really sweet." You say and laugh. "While we were watching your game he said you were the most beautiful girl he's ever seen and that you're so good at softball." She says in a mocking tone. You both burst out laughing. You hang out with Jayla for a bit but you eventually go downstairs to find something to eat.

Baseball boy <3 || Jaden WaltonWhere stories live. Discover now