part seven

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All of you leave the hospital and go back to the Walton's house.

You need to walk on crutches for a few weeks. You pull up to the house and Jaden gets out and opens your door and lifts you out of the car and carries you to the house. Wanna opens the door and Jaden carries you inside and sets you down on the couch. "You hungry?" Jaden asks while walking into the kitchen. "No." You say and look down at your leg and start thinking about everything that happened. "Ok. I'm gonna eat ill be there in a second." Jaden says. How could she just get up and leave? It's all my fault.

Tears start to prick my eyes and start to make my vision blurry. They eventually start flowing down my face, leaving salty, wet trails down my cheeks. I don't even notice Jaden walks back into the living room until he lightly grabs my chin and turns my face towards his. "Hey you ok?" He asks quietly. I shake my head. "How could she just leave like that?" I say through tears. He sighs and wraps his arms around me bringing me into a tight hug. He rubs my back and tells me everything is going to be okay.

After I calm down he sits next to me and turns the T.V. on and picks a movie. He shifts so his back is against the armrest and I sit in between his legs and lay on his chest with his chin resting on my head. I slowly drift off to sleep, exhausted and tired from everything that happened today.

Authors note

IM SO SORRY. It's so short but idk what what write next. 🥲

Could you guys  please leave some ideas or something? Thanks xx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2022 ⏰

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