Part three

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you go downstairs and see Jaden laying on the couch while Daelo plays games on his IPad. You grab a snack from the kitchen and eat it over the counter. You finish eating and run over to the couch and jump onto Jaden. He screams and shoves you off and you fall onto the floor. He starts laughing and so does Daelo. You jump back onto him and start tickling him. He's laughing and screaming like a girl. You stop and get up. He hops up and starts running at you. You look back and start running.

He's chasing you around the house. "WANNA!" You scream. You run upstairs and into Javon's room. You shut the door and sit in front of it. Jaden's trying to open the door. "open the door!" He yells.  "Wanna help me!" You yell and he hops up and grabs two nerf guns from under his bed. He tosses you one and you load it. You stand up and Jaden burst through the door. You both start shooting. He runs out.

You both start laughing. You hear footsteps coming down the hall and Jaden burst through the door again with a big nerf gun and starts shooting at you and Wanna.

You have a nerf war and after, you  decide to hang out with Wanna.

You chill on Wanna's bed and watch tiktoks while music plays on his Alexa. You gasp really loud. "What?" He asks. You show him a tiktok. "We have to make this." You say. "Hell yeah, let's do it rn." He says. You get up and do the tiktok.

(it's the pink, pink, pink, girls, girls, girls, glitter, glitter ,glitter one yk?)

You watch it and post it. You tag Wanna and lay back down on the bed. Your phone starts blowing up with Likes and comments and stuff. "Holy shit." You say. You turn your notifications off and hang out with Wanna for a little longer.

"I'm gonna go see Jaden. Love you Wanna bye." You say while walking out the door. "Love you too." He yells back. (IN A FRIEND WAY)

You knock on Jadens door. "Come in!" He yells. You open the door and walk in to see him in his gaming chair playing games. "You don't have to knock you know that right?" He says and chuckles. "Sorry I don't wanna invade you're privacy." You say. He chuckles and keeps talking to his friends. You lay on his bed. "Hey Jadey poo." You say. He looks backs at you slowly with a "wtf did you just call me?" look. You burst out laughing. "what?" He asks. "Can we make this tiktok?" You ask.

(it's the one where he's pretending to propose and then you "slap him" and he does push-ups while you do the jerk)

He looks at it. "Fuck yeah." He says. "Hold on ima make a tiktok with this annoying girl." He says and laughs. You playfully shove him.

You make the tiktok and post it. It goes viral in 5 minutes. "Hey Jay can we go live?" You ask. "Sure." He says and tells his friends he has to go. He turns his stuff off and goes live on his phone. He sets his phone on his desk and reads comments. "Who's behind me? That's Elora." He says. "Come say Hi" He says. You walk up to the camera and put your chin on top of Jaden's head. "Heyyy" You say. The chat blows up with ship comments and a few hate comments but that was expected.

"Do a pushup with her on me? Bet." He says. He gets up and sets his phone up on the ground. He lays on the ground. "Lay on top of me." He says. You laugh and lay on top of him with your arms wrapped around his neck and your legs wrapped around his waist. He starts doing pushups and you start laughing. He does like 20 and then he collapses.

He reaches over and grabs his phone and gets up with you still on his back. You let out a scream. He walks over to his desk and sets his phone back down and walks backs to the middle of the room and starts spinning with you on his back. You start screaming. He stops and you get off his back. You just awkwardly stand there. You slowly look at eachother and burst out laughing. You both collapse on the floor and die of laughter.

You eventually calm down and end the live. "Wanna watch a movie?" He asks. "Ofc." You say. He climbs into his bed and you jump on top of him. He's laying on the bed vertically while you lay your head on his stomach laying horizontally on the bed. He's scrolling on Netflix while you scroll through tiktok. You see a lot of cute and wholesome edits of you guys. There were a lot of you guys laughing together. And a lot of ship edits and stuff. You show Jaden an edit of you guys laughing at eachother. The caption is "The way he looks at her🥰" You like the edit and show Jaden. "Awww." He says. You chuckle. He picks a movie and you move so you're laying next to him. You slowly drift off to sleep. You wake up in the middle of the night to cold hands snaking around your waist and your head on his chest. "J?" You whisper. He's asleep. You slowly drift back to sleep feeling safe and comfortable.

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