✗ seven ✗

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⚊ chapter seven

I groaned at the annoying alarm of my phone that rang continously in the entirety of my room. It was an incessant ringtone and I felt like my ears are going to bleed from the amount of shoutings from the metal rock song.

I chose this wisely to wake me up without a fail and due to my annoyance, I rolled over to turn it off and felt my body meeting the floor in no time.

I didn't mean to be this clumsy so early in the morning.

After I lazily picked out my uniform from the closet, I went to the bathroom and hopped in the shower. While I showered, I huffed at the thought of meeting no one in the kitchen. My aunt must now be at work.

It must be nice to have a family to call of your own.

Once I was done getting ready, I slung my backpack over my shoulders and eat nothing before walking to the driveway, then climb into my old car and drive for school alone.

As I casually walked in the school grounds later, thinking about the family I once had, I heard a loud "boo!" from behind me and I felt someone pushed me on my shoulder, making my heart practically jump out of my body.

When I turned around, I saw Ni-ki laughing to himself and instantly glared at him.

"Are you crazy? Were you trying to kill me by giving me a heart attack?", I asked him angrily, pushing him off and walked away.

Not even a few seconds later, I felt his hand grabbing my bag to slow me down. I jumped up to face him and if we were on an anime show, there would be fume smoking out of my ears as I raised my fists in warning for him.

But the boy didn't get it, laughed and patted me on the head like I'm a little girl, so I adjusted one of my legs before I kick him in his place in anger.

He fell to the ground, holding his crotch in pain, making me laugh but at the same time, I feel a little sympathy towards him. It wasn't enough to make me feel not satisfied.

It felt so good to put him in his place.

"Come back here, you stupid girl!", he shouted after and I stuck my tounge out in response.

"Good luck with your birdy, boy!"

I walked away with that as my parting word, and into the school building, not waiting for him to catch up with me. Who knows what would he do?

I mean, I know he's not one to hurt a girl, but I hurt his most sensitive part and I might found myself next into one of his famous prank that everyone is scared about to be the target.

Last time I heard he and the soccer team left a guy naked and tied in the pole all night out the field after he apparently did something to Kim Sunhee.

[ above is a reference from that feeling when - heeseung's book. if you know, you know ]

Whatever it was, no one knows in this school. They kept it a big secret from everyone.

I let out a yawn as I get in front of my locker and after getting my stuff, I skipped into my first subject with a smug smile. I was proud of kicking Ni-ki, believe it or not.

The guy just always knew how to piss me off since that pool incident.

One point for Park Minji! Zero point for Ni-ki!

I smirked at the thought and sat down beside Chenle, "Okay, what did you do to be this happy in a rather ugly morning for me?", he questioned.

Annoyingly Yours ⚊ Nishimura Riki [#3]Where stories live. Discover now