✗ eleven ✗

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⚊ chapter eleven

The morning greets me with the most annoying face of Nishimura Riki. I've tried to leave quietly down the stairs, to get in my car that I see he must have parked in the front lawn.

I want this to be painless as possible for the two of us. If you know what I can do if he asked me not to depart from here.

But because he must be good at sensing when to bother me, he found me before I could even get my keys.

The first few moments of my morning was this, I tiptoed my way of his bedroom and see the door is wide open in the guest room. He had his back on me, so I  speed my way out of there to freedom but as I reached the front door, I was stopped, feeling a large warm hand wrap itself around my wrist.

Turning around, I saw the hand belonged to none other than Ni-ki.

I quickly ripped my hand around out of his grasp as though he had burned me and glared at him in annoyance.

"What?", I snapped.

"Where do you think you're going, Grumps?", he said, looking down at me with a straight face.

I looked at him, then to his hand, then at his face, and then his hand reaching for my wrist. Then I proceeded to blink slowly as I tried to process what was going on.

Why he was stopping me from leaving? Did he even run all the way from upstairs?

I can't trust myself now to be sneaky if he had heard me and I didn't feel him coming.

"Hang on a second", I said, completely stunned, "Are you seriously asking me not to leave here? What am I? Your fucking prisoner?", I asked, bewildered by his stupidity.

"Tut.Tut.Tut. Grumps, you shouldn't swear on the person who let you stay in his house. Not very generous at all", Ni-ki taunted me as he shook his head at me condescendingly.

I step back away from him, suddenly feeling I might be allergic to his existence. Now I see why.

"It would be a real shame if I had to complain to your cousin about this behavior of yours", he adds as the corner of his mouth lifted slowly in an obnoxious smirk.

There's the Nishimura I know and it was too early for me to be scrunching my face for being disgruntled but I still did.

The big idiot have a goal here, I can feel it to the very bottom of my butt hole. He knows I have a very big respect on my cousin, especially when I knew I owe something to that brother figure of mine.

Sunghoon must've said something to my aunt for her to not be calling me on why I wasn't able to come home.

"Oh, and isn't it your keys over there in the back of my front door?", he said casually as he gestured to the door a little ways away before us.

Looking over my shoulder, I saw that he was in fact, right. I made run for it, but all the blood quickly drained from my face as I realized he would not easily let me go and that big fucker used the advantage of his much longer legs to snatch the keys away from my reach.

I wouldn't put it past him to not throw it somewhere I would have hard time to search around.

"Come on don't be a dick just for this once", I whined, looking at him with desparation in my eyes.

As much as I hated him, I didn't want to do something I might regret or this boy might put me in a bad record towards the teacher who put us in this situation.

He's balding and an old man, but never did I wanted to disappoint him.

Mr. Kang had always been nice to me since I became his student in the first year of my highshool.

Annoyingly Yours ⚊ Nishimura Riki [#3]Where stories live. Discover now