✗ twenty eight ✗

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⚊ chapter twenty eight

I am just this kind of person in front of a bulldozing problem that was about to punch me in the face.

I just pretend that I know what I'm doing 150 % of the time. If you can't blow them away with your brilliance, baffle them with your bullshit.

Life isn't fucking easy.

My eyes looked back into it's reflection at mirror I glued inside my locker. However, my brain was moving at one hundred miles per hour and I knew the moment I see Nishimura coming for me, I would run the bat shit out of here.

Yeah, I found the monkey hella attractive. Who wouldn't?

He was gorgeous, mischievous but still a nice guy. So annoyingly nice, considering how popular he was.

But I didn't like the particular feeling blooming inside me. I hadn't noticed how strong it was until Nishimura walked away from me this morning and I haven't been able to get rid of this concerning emotions since then.

Well, well, well. If it isn't the feelings I've been trying hard to avoid.

Goodness gracious, what the heck have you done to me, Riki the Giant Monkey?

I heard a footsteps approaching.

My hands were closing the locker immediately and my eyes glance to the back of me. He made eye contact with me as he pushed through the milling students, causing me to freeze in place.

We proceeded to have a staring match for what felt like forever when in actual fuck - I mean fact, it might've been just a minute.

Then as he got closer, I pushed to my inner persona of the Flash, Sonic The Hedgehog or whatever fictional character who is fast.

I ran like a lightning storm.

I bolted my way towards the exit like a criminal running from the law as I pushed my feet off to it's limit. I heard the sound of the fast-approaching footsteps from behind, footsteps as though they were dangerously close now.

Glancing over my shoulder, a startled scream echoed from my mouth to see Ni-ki was about a hair length from me with a very pissed off expression.

I scream again once I felt a hand snake around my waist and drag me back to him. To the surprise of everyone watching us, he threw me like a sack of potatoes on his shoulder and I screamed madly after he offended my dignity by slapping a hand over my butt.

My front was slumped on his back and I was punching it repeatedly as he hauls me along with him to somewhere.

The only sounds I could hear from the others are how much they were enjoying the scene. I couldn't help but hide my face to recall that everyone can see us. I soon realized to my embarassment that they were literally capturing this moment with their phones out.

I also could curse on my friends who just watched from the corner while Ni-ki's like Jungwon and Sunoo were guffawing like some kind of a goofy puppies beside them.

Wait for me guys, I will come for all of your lives after this shit!

Nishimura unlocked the car I didn't recognize. It was also black, the same hue of the one in his motorcycle and I immediately attempted to run from the other side of the car, but maybe he knew it would happen, because it didn't open before I heard him say:

"I put it on child-lock. Only I can open it or someone from the outside"

I glared at him, watching as he started the car and I have no way to run now, "Wow, just wow, Nishimura Riki! I didn't know you would go out of your way just to have to me abducted!", I spat sarcastically as he speeds out of the parking lot.

Annoyingly Yours ⚊ Nishimura Riki [#3]Where stories live. Discover now