✗ twenty six ✗

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⚊ chapter twenty six

What's worse than a heartbreak? My friends may have ask me in the next day from their messages in my phone.

And I will have the best reply, you ever woke up in a different room and then recalled what you did the other night?

I hate when they would ask me, 'What did you do?' like buddy, listen I woke up at noon and all I wanted to do is break down crying then realized I can't leave yet for not having my car anywhere.

Like if my future me would see me now, I can already imagine her saying, "Great job, you got yourself drunk and passed out on the person you kissed, you fucking disgrace!"

I woke up to to a familiar cream-painted ceiling. It was like deja vu, really. It felt like so long ago the first time I came into this room. It still felt weirder as ever. At least his bed was comfortable and this grey blanket was flipping soft, I could just pull it over and sleep all over again, so I did.

I heard somebody chuckled and I let out a scream. It was short, but still loud nonetheless but it made my point as it sounds like it came from horror movie. Is someone going to murder me?

Wait, that's just Nishimura. False alarm, I'm not going to die yet. I would just die in another yet embarassment I could add in my piling up list for being a clown.

"Ah, yes, the devil Queen have finally risen from the depths of hell!", Ni-ki exclaimed, clapping his hands.

This was definitely not a deja vu because I'm ninety nine percent sure he was nicer to me the last time I was here.

I poked my head out of the blanket and instantly put it over my head after seeing him having his head tilted to the side while he sat on the floor and so close to the edge of the bed to watch me.

Had he been doing it since when? It's kind of creepy, creepy to imagine someone had been watching you sleeping.

I drooled in my sleep, I won't deny that and sometimes I have my mouth open like I was inviting all the mosquitoes to have a party inside.

"Am I that scary?", he asked with a laugh. His laugh is cute, but a lot of people's laugh are cute, so it was nothing special.

This is where somebody should put the filter of a clown in my face. For you know, lying to myself. I could be a Pinocchio next.

"No, you're that ugly!", I shrieked with a snort. I hope he couldn't see through me.

I peeked out of the blanket again and eyed his pout. How can somebody be so cute like that then suddenly bit on his lip to antagonize me?

I feel so out of it, I could just escape by the only way I knew.

I hit the floor after instantly getting up and standing on the floor, I was acting out to make him see I wasn't stable right now. He shouldn't know it's because of him though, he shouldn't. My head was pretty dizzy and my vision went black for a second.

My brain wasn't really processing what I was thinking while I was spread out like a starfish with my face first to the carpeted floor.

Pfft, I'd never think I would be this clumsy in front of the monkey.

"You okay there, Grumps?", I heard somebody asks to me and he was certainly chuckling, "Do you want me to get you a walking stick? I worry for you, my old woman"

"Well, hello there Boots", I chirped and see him doing the most scandalous thing ever.

He had his phone capturing every seconds of my funny morning before I was retaliating by jumping on him to snatch the phone, which caused him to groan in pain but he still didn't let me have it, so long story short, his neighbors must've heard some strange noises up in his bedroom.

Annoyingly Yours ⚊ Nishimura Riki [#3]Where stories live. Discover now