✗ thirteen ✗

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⚊ chapter thirteen

Monday. There it is, my favorite time of the week to be aware that this isn't going to be good for me.

For some reason, Mondays had it out for me to either successfully do a mistake or worse make an example of how I was the most unfortunate person in the world.

Miss Luck is on vacation somewhere, I can already feel her message to be careful as I started the day and so I even avoided Ni-ki's approach since in the morning.

Who knows if he was the one to bring karma on this very dreadful day?

"I don't even know why I'm here, Monday should've been one of our weekends", I said absentmindedly as I bit on my apple.

I was sitting in school cafeteria across from my three bestfriends who listened me woefully sniffed over my issues. For the first time in forever, Dongpyo was able to join us and as a compensation for his absences on us, he bought us some blueberry muffins.

"Surely it couldn't be that bad for you", Dongpyo said in confusion as he played with the wrapper of his muffin.

Chenle cackled, "Have you even heard how she tripped over a puddle this morning and Rei have to lend her a new pair of uniform?"

I let out a heavy sigh as I focused back in on the conversation, the topic about the series the unfortunate events of my life.

Lemony Snicket would be so proud wherever he is in the surface of earth.

"It's because Mondays were full of her bad karmas. The last time she had an accident, it was on the summer class where Ni-ki kicked the ball in her face", Rei shared, making me grumble beside her.

I mournfully bite on my muffin in my hands, "I always seem to have the shittiest luck at this certain day of the week"

"Yeah well, they are only shitty if you would dwell on it. Just make sure to avoid as much as accident as possible", Dongpyo piped in.

"Easy to say, hard to do when I didn't control my own fate, Pyo"

Chenle and Rei shook their heads in disappointment at me, watching with a furrowed eyebrows as I tried to act teary eyed in front of them.

The way I always did if I feel this strong gut that something was about to get really, really improperly wrong.

"Unlike all of you, you didn't have the form of Nishimura as the spirit of my karma following me everywhere", I spat out with anger as I aggressively squeezed on my ignored apple now.

I watched as juice trickled out from the very core of the apple and down my hand. I watched in satisfaction as I imagined it would be Ni-ki's head.

Pray for my soul, oh dear. I'm developing to be a violent person because of that giant monkey.

"Woah Min, what did the apple ever do to you?", Chenle said as he watched in horror for the apple's fate.

I didn't grace him with a response, not particularly wanting to go on why am I in such a bad mood.

I was particularly feeling spiteful towards Ni-ki since the day he came from my house, he started sending me pictures of him without a fail at any time he thought I was in need of his face to complete my day.

Like before I get to lunch, he sended me a message, attached with a picture of himself.

[ Giant Mon-Ki : In case you were missing the most handsome guy in our school, here's a pic of me! 😉 ]

[ Giant Mon-Ki : In case you were missing the most handsome guy in our school, here's a pic of me! 😉 ]

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