✗ thirty four ✗

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⚊ chapter thirty four

I would like to sing you all a song that pops out of my mind because I decided to tutor this monkey again. For the good of our future.

I mean, his future.

Let's start at the very beginning. Do Re Mi Fa So done with this monkey!

"No, I don't want to see anymore explanations about biology!", Ni-ki whined loudly, looking remorseful at the biology textbook I laid out on him.

I was lying on my back on his bed, staring at the ceiling and trying to reevaluate my life choices, and also wishing I was anywhere but here. On the bright side, my fever had gone down but my sore throat is getting worse.

Thanks to the magic of ice cream and God do I like to suffer.

"Don't give up or else, Mr. Kang would kill me if you fail at his subject", I huffed before looking at him testily.

We had been at it for two hours now in the afternoon and I think both of us were getting testy. One more offense and we'll fight like childrens for sure.

With a sigh, Nishimura took off his glasses and swerved around from his gaming chair to face me. Glasses which seemed somehow to make him look more appealing, but he only seems to use in times like this, much to my annoyance.

For some reason, I prefer him wearing it more than everything.

"Maybe we should take a break for now. I think my brain cells are slowly dying one by one", Ni-ki said with a sigh.

Agreeing with him is the best choice, so shot my thumbs up in response and there I continued creating scenarios in my imagination like I was expecting a donut spaceship to come get me and introduced me to someone like Matteo Do in my Love From The Star.

Kim Soo-hyun is the bae of my life.

Not the one plopping down next to me on his stomach and propped his head up in one hand then turned to face me.

"What should we do now, babe?", he said, not getting tired of that terrible nickname.

I twisted my head to the side so I could face him better, swallowing harshly as he moved closer to my face, "I don't know", I mumbled softly, barely able to concentrate with him this close.

I could literally see every details of his near-perfect face and I could see the piercings he have on his ears. He looks like a fucking model.

It was extremely distracting. Everything about him.

"How about we play twenty questions?", Ni-ki suggested, looking at me expectantly.

I hesitated as I thought about the potential scandalous questions he could ask. Knowing him, he may ask about how many guys I've kissed before or if I ever get serious on any flings I've had.

To be honest, yes, there's one guy who made it easy for me to want it but the end of our story is him doing the same with another girl.

It would be funny to say I wasn't affected, but that's just it for me. It's okay if he forget me, I know I can always meet someone else.

Could it be this monkey before me? I wanted to ask him a few questions too, so I decided to comply. "Sure, Nishi", I replied softly.

"Okay, you go first", he said quite excitedly.

"How would you describe yourself in three words?", I said, starting with an easy question. He thought for a few seconds before replying.

"That's easy. Handsome as fuck, tall and hilarious charming guy", Ni-ki listed off confidently with an obnoxious smirk on his face.

Annoyingly Yours ⚊ Nishimura Riki [#3]Where stories live. Discover now